


buffer stock


164 cm

To evaluate

300 U.S. dollar

Monday to Sunday

by 00: 00 00 to: 00


I will send whatsapp

photo verify in January 2025 say ArgXP.

Image of Trini

Who am I?

Ciao, my chiamo Trinidad. My chiamano Trini. I am an excellent VIP companion, willing to fulfill your fantasies and desires, to offer you the best treatment and share with you a beautiful experience.

Sono attratto dagli uomini corretti e ripettosi, and dal poter instaurare un conversazione condividendo un momento granvole e piacevole. He speaks fluently English.

Realizzo trips, dinner, accompagnamenti ad eventsi ed others. Alberghi, case. Non-servo copy.
My distinction is to be discreet and to maintain the same quality according to the storage of those who are well-known.

We do not require any type of prenotation from us, we only accept cash/bonuses in pesos or dollars.

You look forward to having fun!


Photo of Guada


I'm waiting for your message Scrivile, non farla aspettare.

Scopri il meglio VIP escort!


Photo by Florci Caba

Experience (1)


4 weeks ago

Lei è bella, fine e il suo modo di fare è spettacolare. Una principessa

leave your experience


buffer stock to Vicente López, Buenos Aires

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