Materials for sex toys – The complete guide for escorts Posted on 12/04/2023 Par Carlos

Materials for sex toys – The complete guide for escorts

Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé de quoi étaient faits vossexuals et comment choisir celui qui vous convient? Les jouets sexuels sont an excellent moyen d'améliorer la vie sexuelle de chacun. Buenos Aires escort, but it is important to know the different types of materials for sex toys to avoid health problems.

You will find a complete guide of the different materials with the ones that are manufactured by the sex toys, the more coupons in the connus. De même, quelques recommendations pour son entretien.

Read the suite to find out everything you need to know!

Types of materials for sexual toys

The silicone is one of the most popular and most versatile materials for sex toys. Il est doux, non poreux et sans danger pour le corps. Furthermore, it is hypoallergenic and easy to use. Medical quality silicone is the best option for VIP escorts from the federal capital, it does not contain any phthalates or harmful chemical products.

ABS plastic

ABS plastic is generally an additional material for sexual games. It is resistant, durable and easy to clean. Make sure that the plastic is free of phthalates, so that these chemical products are harmful to your health.

Materials for sex toys – The complete guide for escorts


Metal sex toys, such as stainless steel or aluminum, are connus for powder and the sensation of frost and touch. Ils sont ideaux VIP escorts from the Zone Nord Ils apprécient la stimulation ferme et la sensation de poids. Ensure that the metal is free of nickel or other materials susceptible to causing allergies.


Sex toys are very elegant and have a unique appearance. Ils sont lisses, non poreux and peuvent être chauffés ou refroidis pour ressentir different sensations. Assurez-vous that the sight is of unfathomable quality and exempt from copeaux.

Gelée or gelatin

The gel or gelatin is a double and flexible sexual play material. Cependant, il a tendency à être poreux, ce qui meaning qu'il peut abriter des bactéries et qu'il est difficile à nettoyer. Si vous optez pour un jouet en gelée pendant votre service comme Belgrano pute, open the user with a preservative for supplemental protection.

Entertaining the sex toys

  • Lavez your sex toys with the water tiède and du savon doux avant and après chaque rendez-vous. Recoleta Escort with a client. If your sex toy is étanche, you can tremper after minutes in the water tiède and du savon doux. If it is not dry, see the nettoyer with a humid chiffon.
  • Use the specific net toy products for sex toys, and use other products to protect the materials. Avoid products containing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide.
  • Range your sex toys when they end cold and dry, open the light directly from the sun and from the humidity. If your sex toy is in silicone, the range of the other sex toys in silicone is not enough to cover the coller.
  • Verify the regulation of the material of your sex toys to ensure that they do not present any fissures, breakages or all other types of domination. If you are aware of the dommages, press them immediately.
Materials for sex toys – The complete guide for escorts


We hope that this guide on the materials of the sex toys will be useful and help you understand the good decisions of your choix and the entertainment of your sex toys. N'hésitez pas à essayer différentes matières et forms pour découvrir ce que vous préférez.

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