Types of erotic massages – Experience a sensual experience with escorts Posted on 10/09/2023 Par Carlos

Types of erotic massages – Experience a sensual experience with escorts

What are your thoughts on the types of erotic massages? Sûrement des images de bougies parfumées, d'huiles parfumées et d'un Belgrano escort wildebeest. Eh bien, vous n'êtes pas loin de la réalité !

Les erotic massages are an excellent way to connect with your client for the toucher, the explorer is corps and the éveiller are désir sexuel.

More knowing that there are different types of erotic massages? Chacun avec des avantages et des façons de stimuler différents. Find out what you want so you can choose the cell that you prefer.

Types of erotic massages for escorts

Tantric massage

The tantric massage concentrates on the level of sexual energy through the caresses lenses and sensations. Elle se fait sur l'ensemble du corps, notamment au level des zones érogènes. But it is not for the orgasm, but there is also a deep connection with the person who retains your services. Compagnon of the federal capital.

Massage aux huiles

The perfumed huiles assure lubrication, allowing you to use the main glisser doucement on the skin of this type of erotic massage. Additionally, it stimulates the senses thanks to the scent. You can choose the edible huiles like celle de amande or de noix de coco and appliquer sur tout votre corps avec des mouvements longs et lents.

Types of erotic massages – Experience a sensual experience with escorts

Massage sur les points G et P

Si vous souhaitez intensifier le plaisir, privilégiez le massage des points G chez la femme et des points P chez l'homme. These three sensitive erotic zones can provoke three pleasant orgasms. Use your doigts to apply doucement and masser these zones.

Massage aux plumes et à la glace

The temperature contrast produced by the plumes and the ice on the ground is très stimulant. With this type of erotic massage, you can pass a doucement on the body of your client, especially on the mamelons and the genital area. Glissez ensuite des glaçons, en faisant attention à ne pas provoquer de brulures.

thai massage

The Thai massage is ideal for the whole world Zone Nord VIP Escort pour détendre le corps et l'esprit. Use the aromatic oils and apply pressure on your water, air, and energy sources. Etirez and fléchissez your bodies to release tensions. Well, there is no need for a direct erotic massage, deep relaxation, and a product that awakens passion.

Massage aux bougies

The massage with the bougies uses the light of the perfumed bougies to provoke an exciting sensation on the skin. Laissez la cire couler sur le corps de votre client et étalez-la avec vos mains. For this type of erotic massage, you can apply the cire sur les mamelons, le ventre, l'intérieur des cuisses et les fesses.

Massage Lingam and Yoni

The Lingam massage is concentrated on the penis, while the yoni massage is concentrated on the vagina. Use the natural huiles and apply the pressures, the exhaustions and the massages on the genital area. Comme Puerto Madero pute, know that these massages can lead to three intense orgasms and increase the emotional and spiritual connection with your client.

prostate massage

Prostate massage is a type of erotic massage that stimulates the prostate for men, a glans that produces seminal liquid and is situated next to the vessie. Insérez un doigt lubrifié dans l'anus et massez doucement la prostate. Cela can provoke erections and three pleasant orgasms. Cela demande beaucoup de communication, de confiance et d'attention.

Types of erotic massages – Experience a sensual experience with escorts

Massage with the mennottes

Pour ajouter un peu d'excitation, you can mention the mains of your client pendant that you offer an erotic massage. Feeling immobilized will increase your excitement and pleasure. Comme Buenos Aires escort, you must assure that the menottes are not past trop serrées and avoir un mot de securité au cas où il voudrait se libérer.


The different types of erotic massages constitute a sensuelle way of communicating with your clients. There are several variants of the explorer, from the softest to the most intense. That it is your choice, we assure you that you will communicate, be attentive, pay attention to your client and fix the limits. Erotic massages require confidence, mutual consent and mutual consent.

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