
Argentinaxp.com IS NOT AN 'AGENZIA DI ESCORT. NO participation, profit, royalties, prizes or any other form of economic compensation is foreseen for the incontrigue that a professional escort or massaggiatrice has or can be independently avere.

Argentinaxp.com has not had any economic, contractual or labor rapport with the accompagnatrici and/or massaggiatrici and is not nemmeno a conoscenza degli incontriche that this effettuano or potrebbero effettuare.

Argentinaxp.com NON SA, NON PUÒ SAPERE, NÉ È INTERESSATO, if an escort or a massaggiatrice has an appuntamento or smette to see it. It is not the intention of the company to participate in any way in the parrot affair, nor does the company adequately or speculate with the publication of prizes based on the success of the escort or massaggiatrice potrebbe avere, for this reason.

Argentinaxp.com NON ORGANIZZA, NON APPASSIONA, NON PROMUOVE, né fa campagne pubblicitarie per accompagnatori/massaggiatori per viaggi dall'Argentina verso altri paesi seguendo linee commerciali che possono essere più favorevoli o meno.

Argentinaxp.com DOES NOT ORGANIZE TRAVEL, PROMOTIONS, IMMIGRATION, Ecc. degli accompagnatori. QUESTO E' UN REATO connesso a diversi articoli del nuestro Codice Penale e Leggi Complementari e il nuestro lavoro è totally legale, trasparente y intenta only de essere una sito de AVVISI PUBBLICITARI que voluntariamente e autonomamente aggiungono accompagnatori o massaggiatori maggiorenni.

Inoltre, we are not dedicated to enthusing anyone who has an escort or a massaggiatrice.

Our activity is focused on keeping online the hosting, the design, the accuracy of the data provided by the insertionist and I will keep all and your personal data safe in such a way that when the insertionist returns to light, he can send it immediately.

Ogni insertionista deve essere maggiorenne per recievere la sua intenzione di publicare sul nostro sito.

photo verify yourself

ArgXP determines and guarantees that the person filing the announcement is this physical person. ArgXP draws this conclusion from a process of visual confrontation between the photograph, a video and the identity document of the insertionist.

Please be aware, however, that ArgXP cannot guarantee that:

(a) Chi si riflette nelle immagini is the same person who appears for a concordat agreement against you and an insertionist.
(b) Le informazioni fornite nell'annuncio, including the name of the inserter, are accurate or veritiere. ArgXP does limit itself to verifying that the published photo corresponds to the advertising natural person.

Any requests that you can be for this purpose or extension via mail to [email protected]