Bondage – Beginner's Guide Published on 26/11/2021 by Carlos

Bondage – Beginner's Guide

It is probable that the first thing that comes in mind is sentendo il finish "slavery” essere fruste, costumi, sex toys varie e tanta, tanta pelle. However, it must not be correlated to these elements or be erroneously classified as sadomasochism.

Cos'è la schiavitù?

Il slavery If it is about a sexual practice based on its legami that was born very long ago, it has started to become popular or better valued thanks to the romance and the film "Cinquanta sfumature di grigio".  

Allo stesso modo, consists nell'imporre authorità al own partner through instruments, costumes and giochi erotici in cui la sottomissione gioca spesso un ruolo. In general, if it is about the use of costrizoni, their seminuda or bare coppia with the immobilizer scope will be the domain.

How will I start the practice of bondage with an escort?

Prima di enter the BDSM world with a argentinian shortDovresti keep in mind that personality is important, but sono necessarie also diverse qualities for godere of this incredible sexual practice.

To avoid malintesi, I parted with him devono essere d'accordo; For this reason, when he did not ragazza di scorta, devi raggiungere a point of interest in which there is ideal imagination, open personality, trust, interest and, naturally, gli accessori sessuali.

Photo 1 Bondage – Guide for beginners

Positions used during bondage

The lucky one

It is one of the best positions to start practicing BDSM with your partner, rich in anything simple like a rope; In sostanza, one of the two rotates on its schiena and puts the hand under the seat, in order to completely immobilize it. In the mean time, the other person touches, touches, washes or sews a little più intense.

full opening

Bondage in this case, one of the two comes together with four legs and the other uses an accessory that prevents children from playing; Lasciando lo esposto e vulnerabile, con i genitali e l'ano a sua disposizione.

the silk cattiva

Per questa pose avrai bisogno di una sedia rigida senza braccioli; La affronterai, in piedi con le caviglie legate alle gambe anteriori della sedia, mani legate righto la schiena e proteste en avanti. This is an excellent position for the anal sex or whatever else comes to mind.

cucchiaio legato

The position of the cucchiaio legato is without dubbio one of the migliori in bondage and the più richiesta; Ciò increases di alcuni gradi l'eccitazione se leghi i polsi e gli avambracci del tuo partner con un corda, un panno o un sciarpa.

cattivo ragazzo

I know that I will give your partner a severe punishment piena di piacere, this position cannot pass unserved; In this case, leave the hands and feet of your partner to the shrimp of one bar-type sgabello (the most resistant ones that I can find), among the sculacci, the accarezzi, the lecchi, the penetri or fai davvero quello che vuoi.

Photo 2 Bondage – Guide for beginners

the vitello

In the most authentic rodeo style, I would use a rope or a special accessory for that; The next step is to block your partner with i feet and unite her right hand with her body, lasciendo lasciandola rip sullo stomacho. Hardly riuscirai a muoverti, sarai tu a doverti muovere affinché godano del massimo piacere.


Technician eats it slavery Sono dubbio una delle migliori options to live the passion with your own partner or live new experiences with a VIP escort; Tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno è un mente aperta e alcuni vincoli.

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