Sophisticated look: 5 accessories per duration for the escort Published on 22/03/2023 For the love of God

Sophisticated look: 5 accessories per duration for the escort

Keeping your hair impeccable is an important part of creating a VIP escort! Per aiutarti ad apparire in your best version, eccoti qui 5 accessories for the duration of the escort. These accessories are ideal for special moments in which you will have a modern and elegant look, without abandoning the refinement to acquire the best customers.

The best accessories for modern and sophisticated escorts

My capelli was one of the finest weapons that I can use when I see clients. Pertanto, qui puoi vedere acconciature durature e sofisticate per escort di alto livello. These were the following:

Acconciatura da escort con trecce con raccolto

Photo 2 Sophisticated look: 5 accessories per duration for the escort
Trecce raccolte – Acconciatura da accompagnatrice

Ideal for a very glamorous look, it does not require much time to prepare and use it as scorta acconciature. For the things you use, they are as follows:

  1. 1 Dividi i capelli in due parti uguali dopo averli pettinati.
  2. 2 Apply a moisturizing spray on your capelli to give it the right consistency.
  3. 3 The first step is to divide it into three sections and start to intrecciare dall'alto, until you make a complete line. I tied it with an elastic band and continued with the other metal.
  4. 4 Quindi le due trecce vengono aperte delicately to let him sow a little bit more spesse. This will give you a natural touch if you spruce and ripen this procedure.
  5. 5 Reapply the Spray when the acconciature is prompt, so that it does not come damaged or that the film does not appear to be ruined.
  6. 6 Per finire, prima piega una delle trecce e fissala all'altra treccia con uncinetto. Con l'altro si fa lo estesso procedimento, ma la fine sarà sul rovescio, il tutto si terrà con l'uncinetto.
  7. 7 Fix the whole thing with the lacquer, so that it renders the acconciatura anchor very resistant and the texture will risulterà a little bit hard.

Chignon con onde per acconciature da escort

Photo 3 Sophisticated look: 5 accessories per duration for the escort
Chignon con onde – acconciatura da escort

If it is an elegant and refined acconciature that stands out with beauty on which it sciolte attorno al viso, raccolte in a chignon. It is ideal for special occasions in which you have very elegant appearance.

You will have a modern and sophisticated look like a scorta acconciature? These are the next steps:

  1. 1 Pettina i capelli all'indietro e dividili in tre parti, la coda di cavallo e le piccole ciocche ai lati.
  2. 2 Apri un forum sopra la fascia della coda de cavallo e inserisci la estessa coda de cavallo at quel point due volte.
  3. 3 Con i pochi capelli che remarranno della coda di cavallo, si dividerà in due ciocche, entermbe verranno fatte passare nello spazio che remane della coda di cavallo, e con uncinetto il piccolo eccesso verrà fissato allo chignon.
  4. 4 Using the uncinetto, if you turn on the arrow of the chignon it enters and lati in a way that it appears on the foot.
  5. 5 Now, from the piccoli fili che restano, summer arricciati with il ferro or l'arricciacapelli and that this will be what it will be sciolto.
  6. 6 For long periods of time if a fissativa is applied.

Acconciatura to lateral Olandese treccia

Photo 4 Sophisticated look: 5 accessories per duration for the escort
Trecce mezze laterali – Acconciatura da escort

This is a modern version of the Dutch trecce. In a singular treccia, which begins high, but is deviated in a way that is like a horse's coda intrecciata laterally, sembrerà un po' più erotica sei VIP escorts, at this time you will give an impression of malicious innocence. I passaggi for these activities of the day are as follows:

  1. 1 Pettiniamo bene i capelli, apply moisturizing spray to improve the consistency of the capelli. Once again I followed the procedure, I turned on a little bit of capelli per treccia. Man mano che scendi, intreccialo nella direzione del lato che ti piace di più.
  2. 2 You can continue to extend the time by pulling it lightly and successively applying hydrating spray to follow this procedure, so you will sow the capelli in a natural way and with a larger volume.
  3. 3 Finally, it is a scelta sciogliere some ciocche anteriori to conferirgli un tocco più naturale and, of course, apply the lacca so that it lasts a few più a longo.

Acconciature to horse tail with onde

Photo 5 Sophisticated look: 5 accessories per duration for the escort
Coda di cavallo with bigodini – acconciatura da escort

It's a horse's coda stretta on top, which fell into a horse's coda with onde voluminose. One style that you will porter ad essere one of VIP escorts del luogo, inoltre è facile da fare.

  1. 1 The first thing to do is to clean the hair in a high corner, using a moisturizing spray is the best option for the consistency of the hair. Se hai i capelli mossi è meglio stirarli prima.
  2. 2 Poi, with a ferro or an arricciacapelli, start to perform the wave of the horse coda and scuoti a little in the way that it was planted naturally.
  3. 3 If it is your gradation, you will be able to use the lacquer all the way outside, which will give a very romantic touch.
  4. 4 Infine, reso fissativa per una migliore durata. Dovresti put a bit of più on the previous part, dove if you trovano and peli più piccoli.

Waved acconciatura with cascata trecce

Photo 6 Sophisticated look: 5 accessories per duration for the escort
Treccia a cascata capelli corti – Acconciatura da escort

UN acconciatura per escort, appositamente studiato per chi non ha i capelli lunghi. The steps to follow are easy to understand and sound:

  1. 1 The first step will be to make the first step: in this case, first apply the piaster or the arricciarli capelli and apply the lacca in the same way as it lasts a long time.
  2. 2 Power on 3 times one of the lati of your capelli to create a piccola treccia.
  3. 3 When the treccia is ready, the next step is to turn on the uncinetti in such a way that they are placed on the capelli and placed next to the lacca.

these 5 acconciature durano più a longo per le escort, they are perfect because special moments in which you will have a modern and elegant look. I wish that this idea will help you find the perfect accessory for your next adventure. accompanist of alto livello!

Non-dimenticare to continue gli altri abbigliamento and consigli di fashion, we opened all the things that we have learned to start a spingerti another time. accompanying professionals

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