Escort to the cinema – The 7 most famous prostitutes of the big schermo Published on 22/10/2021 by Carlos

Escort to the cinema – The 7 most famous prostitutes of the big schermo

The seventh art is one space where it is accompagnatori to cinema; Perché esta antico mestiere no sfugge allo sguardo di registi e produttori, che vogliono esprimere nei loro film la realtà del mundo della prostituzione da diverse prospettive. In this sense, not only Hollywood is concerned about losing it accompanying cinematographers, also the European productions are in prima linea their controversial question.

Le dame di compagnia are famous in all the world for the parrot partecipazione alla società; Also, it was considered taboo and in many countries, purtroppo, sono associati ad attività illegali como la mafia. Il accompagnatori to cinema sono la rappresentazione di tante difficoltà vissute dalle donne; And, around his turn, the champion of a raccolta of elements that circles the parrot mestiere.

Dalle pratiche sessuali più bizzarre, ai problemi amorosi, alle difficoltà familiari ed economice, fino alle violenze che possono subire essendo completamente sin protezione; Sono una delle tante cose che puoi trovare sui nastri dei film. Ecco perché abbiamo decided to show you a cast of the 7 most famous cinematographic escort, with a brief rassegna dei film in cui hanno recitato.

Photo 1 Escort to the cinema – Le 7 prostitute più famous del grande schermo

Escort to the cinema

Audrey Hepburn in the Holly Room - Colazione da Tiffany

This cinematographic production is told in a precise way, something that will be true to short of lusso, in a city like New York; Ebbene, la storia si volge en un famosa gioielleria sulla semper nota Fifth Avenue. The protagonist Holly is not noted for being a mestiere or a profession; If it's just that she frequents a nightlife, it's only around the uomini with many soldi.

In this film have not been close to aggirare the censorship of the time and many still speak; As he has ritratto perfectly give me di compagnia ei gigolò. Without dubbio, a delle migliori rappresentazioni di accompagnatori to cinema.

Shirley MacLaine - La Dolce Irma

It tells the story of a group of prostitutes in Parigi, in France. It narrates all the vicissitudes that Irma has suffered, who subisce maltrattamenti dal fidanzato her; Inoltre, if you show us delinquents in exchange for protection, I have no sesso alle donne. VIP escorts, che non hanno other scelta che compiacerli.

In this film, Irma finds an honest mistake; What if he loves perdutamente di lei e near in tutti i modi di farla abandonare quello stile di vita de ella, he ce la farà davvero?

Catherine Deneuve in the hairdresser of Severine – Belle de Jour

Questa bionda dell'era degli anni '60, rispecchiava molto bene il accompagnatori to cinema; to the point of essere acclamata dalla critica, dates the complessità of his wheel. In this nastro Severine is a lady who is always growing up in everyone's shadow; She thought of knowing freedom when she was in love with a doctor, who would have died of her husband, but she is not andata così, because he has not been touched.

Faced with a situation of the genre, Severine ends up being curious in a bordello, where she finds the mestiere della prostituzione.

Anna Magnani - Mamma Roma

In this adventure protagonist Anna Magnani all intera accompanying cinematographers, ci raccontano tutta la strada che deve correrere un madre prostituta con il figlio ribelle. This Italian film from 1962 is a complex and controversial situation challenge; After his magnaccia of hers is married, the ragazza decides to start a new life, trying to sell fruit in a local market.

Will this be enough to stop me from practicing prostitution again? Will this mother take care of the figlio and migliorare the condizioni di vita di entrambi? Dovrai will keep the film to scan it.

Photo 2 Escort to the cinema – Le 7 prostitute più famous del grande schermo

Anna Karina - Vivre sa vie

Following the current of European cinema, continuing on the next continent, this time in France is a peculiar 60th year. This film shows the performance of Anna Karina, who plays a lady recently separated from her husband and who leaves the child. inseguiendo il suo sogno di appartenere al mondo delle stelle.

Nana (name of the protagonist) part without knowing all and risks that involves recarsi in a place that we do not know; she began to prostitute herself by necessity per road, where she found a ragazzo that she would divert from her or her ruffiano from her.

Alice Barnolle - The house of tolerance

This production of accompagnatori to cinema È più attuale, dall'anno 2011; Ci mostra tutte le esperienze che si svolgono en quello che que viene definiteto un bordello di lusso, dove le signore lavorano circondate da elementi eleganti ed esuberanti; eat mushroom and hair.

It narrates the dream of a prostitute, the one who, when she was hurt by an annoying client, ended up being ammalarsi and cadere in disgrazia; Therefore, she finishes per essere a sorta di portiere e administratore dei locali, noting and disfacing the richest of the clients in merito alle cute delle loro preferenze.

Liz Taylor-Butterfield 8

Imagine an Elizabeth Taylor from the '60s who behaves like a seductress short of lusso dagli occhi viola In this film the actress plays an elegant prostitute, who after receiving an incomplete payment, decides to sell off her client; Per fare questo, ruba il expensive cappotto di sua moglie de ella, per affidarlo a lei.

After the dispute that they are the protagonists, love ends to emerge, but how can a professional escort service deal with these sentiments? In this drama, the emotions are mountain russe, che vanno su e giù.

Ma vi assicuriamo che vedere Liz Taylor in questo ruolo è come un sogno per molti; Because the late actress was the desire and temptation of many men of the scorso secolo, perché she was a total symbol of sensuality.


Come see the ritratto of the accompagnatori to cinema va avanti da molti decenni; Sia in America that in Europe do make productions that close to include all the elements of the world of escorts; dalle realtà positive a quelle più complesse.

I can continue to read in this blog of the world of escorts in the following post: giocattoli di an escort Y The most expensive prostitute in the world.

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