The escort during the pandemic – Come the escort in front of the COVID Published on 08/11/2021 by Carlos

Escort in pandemic time – How the escort faces COVID

The work of the accompagnatori in time of pandemic non è cessato On the contrary, the forced distanziamento has carried many useful tasks; In one way or another, I serve VIP escorts for soddisfare and I only want to have intimate human contacts.

Certainly, I will also consider that the risk of exposure to the contagion of the COVID-19 virus is very important in your activities; Good, yes and clienti che short vip, stanno avendo stretti contatti con various persone che potrebbero essere colpite dalla malattia.

Who comes risk to keep the parrot, work and return in good health?

The truth is that there is only one answer that we can offer to deal with whatever concerns you have at risk; with specific hygiene and safety protocols.

Even if all'inizio può sombrare a po'strano, in realtà sono state divulgate misure di sicurezza e consigli sull'igiene accompagnatori in time of pandemic; through various organizations without a profit scope. The scope is to help limit the exposure and the risk of contagion from the brainwasher who maintains an active exercise of the parrot profession.

Quindi oggi vi diremo nel dettaglio quali sono this measure dottate dal accompagnatori in time of pandemic I will face COVID-19; Mente si preoccupano di soddisfare i desideri dei loro clienti e di prendersi cura della loro salute in modo efficace.

Photo 1 The escort in times of pandemic – Come the escort in front of the COVID

In what way will the escort continue to work in safety during the pandemic?

One of the most difficult times to face accompagnatori belgrano during the parrot I work in pandemic season; It is necessary to maintain physical distance or mask during conflicts with clients.

Il servizio che ofrono come accompagnatori in time of pandemic può essere limitato; A ciò che le ragazze possono fare per compiacere il proprio partner senza mettersi deliberatamente a rischio.

Having conto di ciò, it is not rare when we do assume some argentinian short Potresti ritrovarti a dover I will follow some "regole di base" nel durre l'incontro. This regulation is state created and diffused in the mezzo to guarantee that if there are clients that escort you that give no parlor piacere; Possono godersi i parrot appuntamenti ed evire comunque di cadere vittime del virus que si trasmette easily traverso saliva, la cough or le feci.

Suggestions to prevent contagion among clients and companions in pandemic times

I always have the mask

This is worth per i clients mature escort. Because contact with saliva or an accidental cough could spread the virus; La raccomandazione (other to avoid completely i baci) è che ognuno si assicuri di avere la maschera protectiva ben posizionata durante il tempo in cui dura il parrot uncontrollable.

Keep a certain distance during negotiations

First of all, I assume an escort, probably going through a period of negotiations that comes regularly through WhatsApp for more security. But if I am one of those who trade in person, however, I will maintain physical distance while sharing this space.

All this way, a accompagnatori in time of pandemic, if raccomanda loro di fare a piccolo colloquio with i parrot clienti prima di accettare qualsiasi incontro; It is a preventive measure for the current state of health of the potential client, in which case symptoms have been presented (cough, fever, short breath) or if the client has had or is in contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19. 19.

This aiuterà l'accompagnatrice to verify if the risk per entrambi è troppo alto per portare a terminar l'incontro. And if she sees it, she can decide whether or not she will continue to find that client.

Photo 2 The escort in times of pandemic – Come the escort in front of the COVID

Routine cleaning and disinfection

Ogni volta che sono esposti ai loro clienti e ad altre persone, si raccomanda agli accompagnatori di maintaine una routine de lavaggio delle mani con acqua calda per 20 secandi e l'uso constante di gel alcolico per disinfettare.

Prima e dopo ogni incontro with a client, accompagnatori in time of pandemic Make sure to polish the intera area in which I am still, rubbing salviette with alcohol or disinfectant.

Inoltre, to guarantee rigorous personal hygiene, if you take a deep bath and change your clothes completely, insert me into the mask or turn it on if the uncontroversial precedent ends.

And around her, if she finds an appropriate place, it is possible for the VIP escort to kindly send her Farsi client a doccia lui stesso, first initiate any contacts.

Protection during sessions and rapports

The use of a condom or condom to initiate any sexual contact is a standard safety measure for the escort who offers this type of service.

Tuttavia, with the risk of contagion present, has a measure of unavoidable safety. All this time, a council that comes to offer to the escort is to avoid sex with pecorina and avoid contact with the anal zone.

The last potrebbe is comfortable for many clients, but the pecorina is considered the sexual position for safer practice and helps to limit the risk of contagion.

E per enderti cura di te un po' di più...

  • Do not share cibo or bevande with parrot, including perches, bicchieri and persino sigarette or sigari.
  • Entrambi potete massimizzare la vostra protezione indossando ganti en lattice oltre la maschera e al condom durante il rapporto sessuale.
  • Avoid touching the face directly with the hand.


The work of the accompagnatori in time of pandemic It is the perfect remedy to break with loneliness or the bisogno di tanti uomini che sono stati isolati during the quarantine. E per renderlo il migliore possibile, il nostro bellissimo accompagnatori CABA Hanno modificato alcuni dei loro servizi per assicurarsi che siano al sicuro dal contagion mentre lavorano.

Therefore, if you know how to più su sexual hygiene Y disagree with accompanying during the pandemic, visit our blog. Questi consigli hanno lo scopo di aiutare i clienti delle escort e le escort thisse. accompagnatori in time of pandemic Please give me a safe service.

Comments (1)

Jorge Paez

2 years ago

Io il meglio per tutte le persone tanto per l'uomo quanto per la donna. Vi auguro il meglio ragazze e che non vi manchi mai il pane in tavola.

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