Escort di lusso – Positions sessuali da godere with your VIP escort Published on 06/01/2021 By God

Escort di lusso – Positions sessuali da godere with your VIP escort

I'm a lot of ragions to try different and new sex positions with a lady. escort di lusso, che vanno oltre quelli che di solo metti in pratica, dove la cosa più essenziale è raggiungere l'eccitazione sessuale. Testing these session positions with escort di lusso, you can raggiungere a diverse livello di piacere in qualsiasi rapporto sessuale che hai.

It's obvious that none of them have entered in this position or that it has been in session. VIP escortsIn effect, the girl to try piacere is in the variety and in the diversity. Subsequently, we will see the myriad positions in the sessions that I can do in practice with a company signora.

Vi consigliamo also stare very attentive when try the first round, poiché non è bene che tu e la scorta subiate danni. Inoltre, if I don't feel your goodness, I can Fermarti when I come and I will change position with Goderti at the most your moment.

The best positions in sex sessions with the escort of the lusso

Photo 1 Escort di lusso – Posizioni sessuali da godere con la tua escort VIP

Ci sono varie posizioni per godersi del buon sesso; Tuttavia, l'ideale è provare quelle posizioni che fanno raggiungere intensi orgasmi sia a che all'escort di Lusso e ti permettono di vivere un momento indimenticabile.


In general, the greatest part of the parrot does not smette di mettere in practice the common sexual position, which is the one dell'uomo sopra la donna, dove entrambi vedono i loro volti. Almost always in a sexual act if he starts alone with this position, currently many people consider it not very original and noious.


Un'altra posizione ancora molto utilizzata è quella della donna sopra l'uomo. The inverse case is a modality in which it tends to prove molto piacere; for him escort argentina It is a good way to receive stimoli that allow the parrot of raggiungere orgasmi intensi. On the other hand, gli uomini possono rilassarsi e lasciare che la donna catches the rhythm of the situation.


A classic posture, ma che non può mancare nel tuo incontro con il short of lusso It's the cucciolo. This position guarantees a comfortable position but also allows a very deep penetration for you and short of lusso raggiungere il culmine.

Look at the "classic" with some positions that I can try with yours VIP escortIf I'm a little elaborate, I'll allow you to vary, I'll try something different and I'll cross moments of great passion and fun.

6 positions that you faranno divertiré di più with a lusso escort

Photo 2 Escort di lusso – Posizioni sessuali da godere con la tua escort VIP

side to side

On this occasion, both rebbero sdraiarsi sul letto in lateral position. La donna deve tenere un prawn sopra la prawn dell'uomo; In this way, when he found the woman right, he could stimulate her genitals with one hand. This position is perfect for having fun escort di lusso.

the antelope

That this position comes only that little bit from the side of the letter, it is not necessary to remove it from that position; ma deve essere praticato altrove. lì il short of lusso dovrebbe inginocchiarsi sul pavement e appoggiarsi al letto; While he was still inginocchia, I gave him the right to proceed to his penetration of her vagina by anale.

I spremiagrumi

It is a posture that if you practice the letter, lì l'uomo giace sul letto and il VIP escort è posto su di lui, ma sulla schiena. You should pay a lot of attention in this position, poiché when the penis comes inserted in the opposite way for the male. In this way, you can see the movements of penetration and can also stimulate the escort through the anal zone.

erotic V

It is a traditional position, but it will be very suitable, not if it is necessarily a letto, if it can also be practiced on a table or a table. Position the gambe of the escort sulle tue spalle, penetrate her and goditi to the maximum.

the X note

To practice this position should have agility and flexibility to poterla godere, it's like I'll do the 69th without a handle. Once the prey is made, it must be a little bit careful with the shock and not esagerare with the force, because it may be farsi male. It is a very exciting position that you can do with your VIP companion.

The sciatore or the scimmia

This position is perfect for women with a large penis, it is a very suitable position for women and women. On this occasion, he comes posto a face in his sul letto with the ginocchia piegate, and all'incrocio where he appears to have the penis, the lady must sedersi above, in such a way that the passion is impadronisca di entrambi, while lui stimulates the clitoride della donna. scorta di luso.


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Comments (1)

ettore luigi

2 years ago

Now very good, new positions to get into practice with the best escort.

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