Gestisci le tue spese – Personal finances for your accompagnators Published on 29/03/2023 For the love of God

Gestisci le tue spese – Personal finances for your accompagnators

Molte volte capita di guadagnare ottimamente, ma è neccessario saper gestire il Personal finance for your accompagnators. For this reason, in this article you can find everything that governs the management of your input and use. Qualcosa that allows you to have the freedom to spend your travels, your life and your investments, this is your piano.

What is personal finance?

Il Personal finance for your accompagnators, it is not other than that you manage and sold in a very efficient way. Surely at a certain point I have noticed that in this type of guadagni work very well, but arrived at the end of the month without a centesimo, which means that I spent only a few guadagni. Qualcosa che si ve spesso negli individui o anche nelle famiglie.

It is important to manage our species, which will allow us to be able to solve our problems from a financial point of view. Tuttavia, se devi ridurre alcuni lussi inutili, puoi vedere altri vantaggi como:

  • Raggiungerai meglio all gli obiettivi che ti sei proposto.
  • Do not spenderai eccessively.
  • Avrai less debt and this will help you manage meglio and your soldi to pay it.
  • Take care of yourself financial greeting as accompagnatori ed avoid spese inutili.
  • You will be able to share travel and vacations that you will grant in a simple way.
  • If there is a family, you can manage your time to take care of your family and friends. Render the possibility of your investment in your life as an escort, but without looking after the rest of the house.

Ottieni valore dal denaro che guadagni, che sia molto o poco.

How to organize personal finance for your accompanies?

So that at this moment you start working, I can start managing my personal finance as escort, perché in this spazio potrai vedere, atraverso dei passaggi, come poi iniziare a gestire le tue spese, enter e spese che generi sul lavoro.

Photo 1 Gestisci le tue spese – Finanze personali per gli accompagnatori
Personal finance for your accompanies

We also have a table in such a way that your possa has a post to write everything and organize it. personal finance as escort, that will be accompanied by the passages that we will play in this section and that we will follow mensimente. The first thing I dovresti fare is the following:

  1. The first thing that we calculate is the somma arrotondata di quanto guadagni mensilmente.
  2. It is necessary to identify yourself to start downloading the file Personal finance for your accompagnators, it consists of noting all the entrances that are guaranteed mensimente, ifano esse clients abituali, clients occasionali, new clients and other voci correlate che hai in generale.
  3. Successively, identify all the words that are in the colonna accanto alle entere.
  4. Puoi see that there is a piccola legenda con i colori, ogni colore indicates a meaning.
    • Yellow: Indicates the type of base, which must be effective as required.
    • Blue: Per tempo I release if I intend to do everything I do, and have fun and things that are not necessary, but that I turned on like piaceri.
    • Verde: This color is dedicated to all part of the investments that dovete fare as accompagnatrici, as a lecture to maintain vi or if you have been studying, following a course or any cultural activity, it is also valid to insert it in another category.
    • Red: un'altra spesa che hai avuto come donations, prestiti ad amici or cose del genere.
  5. With the colors you can see what you have bought based on what you have acquired. In this way, you will know that it is very difficult to use the blue color, but it is the first time that you have ridurre to ensure that your finances are healthy.
  6. Dopo aver classificato ciascuno dei tuoi spese come accompagnatori, devi sottrarre ENTRATE – SPESE, che ti daranno il risultato dei soldi che puoi trattenere. In any case it is specific to the document.
  7. Se vuoi risparmiare qualcosa a finite month per lussi o viaggi, in basso vedrai la sezione delle operazioni di risparmio, dove inserirai la Here's what you see in the following example:

10% * risultato reddito – spese = risparmio

                Potrai ottenere la figura esata che dovresti risparmiare se desideri avere risparmi, viaggi o lussi.

Scarica your model of personal financial control as companions

Consigli for managing your special needs as companions

In the way that this argument was heard right Personal finance for your accompagnators, we will give you any advice to stabilize your species, so that the people who have learned to know what is possible are both positive and negative.

Investments for an escort

What buffer stock, it is important to know that for noi gli investments are not the same as for other types of people. This is a totally different style of life, we invest in noi stessi è the best options we abbiamo, we do not spendere troppo in parrucchieri or vestiti, but we do it frequently, some potrebbero essere:

  • Gym: Un'escort si sell meglio con un bel corpo che con dei chili di troppo, quindi questa dovrebbe essere una delle tue massime priority.
  • Underwear: To surprise your clients, you will have to acquire at least 3 new lingerie caps per month.
  • CosmeticsIt is important to note that the hand holders have the processing of their products, as well as basilari.
  • Advertising: qualcosa di important se vuoi raggiungere più potenziali clients.
  • Hairdresser: Go at least once a month, if you know how to cure the barbie's appearance very well, at least once again every morning.

Avoid and debt

Questa è una delle cose peggiori che possiamo fare, poiché i debiti, seno en grandi quantità, possono divorare tutto il nostro reddito. It is consigliabile indebitarsi only for the origin of the base or if it intends to invest, because there is something that can generate money for you to finish for a long time.

Acquista sese di qualità

Potrebbe non essere always che economico sia costly, ma inella stragrande maggioranza dei almost lo è, quindi hai intenzione di purchasinge qualcosa, pay a bit of più, perché puoi starto certo che no si danneggerà così quickly.

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