The house of Naná, the most famous bordello of Punta del Este Published on 30/07/2021 By God

The house of Naná, the most famous bordello of Punta del Este

Picca tra le strade dell'Uruguay per la sua insegna con luci intense e un gran muro bianco, is the house of Nana, the most famous bordello of Punta del Este.

Day after day, sentinels of the uomini walked the Via Simón del Pino to assume the services of one of the 33 splendid washing machines that live in this place. Naná, come è noto il proprietario e capo di questo bordello; she is an icon of this sensual world, she is a prostitute at the age of 46 and famously four years old.

per read; tuttavia, house of Nana Not only the bordello più noto della città, but a place where the young where they have decided to intraprendere the parrot race eats buffer stock, possono guadagnarsi da vivere in modo securo e confortevole.

In the house of NanaOgnuno si ignite cura di sé e le regole sono chiare, quindi sia i clienti che i lavoratori possono godersi l'atmosfera o l'attenzione, sinza problemi, così come le chiamate alla polizia.

Non mancate di conoscere e conoscere meglio esta piccolo appezzamento di piacere la cui fame ha travalicato i confini; tanto o più del suo affascinante fondatore.

Photo 1 Naná's house, the most famous border of Punta del Este

 La casa di Naná, the place is safe where you can have fun with your friends

A difference di molte other nationals of the world (compresa l'Argentina); in Uruguay, the voluntary sessual laborer is protected from the legge; It is regulated to guarantee the safety of all the laundry workers in the country.

Donne che have not decided to dedicate themselves to the vendita dei propri servizi come ragazze escort saranno riconosciute come tali solo dopo essere state iscritte all'Anagrafe Nazionale del Lavoro Sessuale; and have no obligation to maintain a strict sanitary control.

This measure has not facilitated the safety of the person impregnated in the voluntary sexual labor: things come from color that pagan for this service; Fornire a legal framework based on the protected quale.

Based on this line guide, the house of Nana It is built as a complex labyrinth of corridors made up of più di 30 "stanze" that came attached to the night alle escorted by the parrot worker and sono state arredate to adapt to the children of that state.

Photo 2 Naná's house, the most famous border of Punta del Este

there 21:00, the house of Nana Apre le porte suporte para iniziare la noche; and passing by the guard who presided over the entrance, and clients began the turn entering under the penombra illuminated by the red and blue neon lamp; che aiutano l'illusione di sprofondare in calde profondità al rhythm della musica di sottofondo.

One volta lì, potrai apprezzare le porte e le finestre di ogni stanza dove; If it is opened, the client will be bussed at the door and will be allowed by all the occupants and their services and tariffs.

Niente is standard in this bordello. I did not see any definite cost per i servizi forniti lì. to testa short independent possiede il suo lavoro e il suo space per fonire al cliente il proprio servizio; to the tariff that he has decided to add to the charge for one person.

Se all'inizio delle trattative non sei ancora convinto; The client can continue to walk ahead and bussare alle porte delle stanze aperte finché non trova la ragazza giusta per lui. Certainly, if a door is chiusa; It means that in that moment the short one is busy and must pass, oppure will be very late.

With all ciò, i clients can obtain ciò che nearby with great facilità, oltre a varietà per tutti i gusti.

How does security come to La casa de Naná?

The government has taken a big step to arrest the priest of his wife and prostitute; Therefore, the only thing that person has happened the house of Nana è, I will respect the richest regulation from its owner:

  1. Don't drink alcohol.
  2. I will not use drugs, much less in the stanze.
  3. The escort should not present a monthly medical certificate of good health and richness to the client to pay in advance, including the use of the condom.

Naná if she worries a lot about the ragazze that I am sure of her cure in the house that she has funded, who if she finds with parrot mensibly to talk, will parrot consigli e ogni giorno gli operai aiutano le truccarsi e ad acconciarsi prima di iniziare la serata alle opera.

This regulation allowed a serene coexistence between the young men who I saw lavorano and the clients who came close to a moment of liberation. Violence is not consented; Naná denounces it without consideration; è così che sono riusciti a tenere tutte le ragazze al sicuro e senza chiamare la polizia una volta.

Tale è la cure con cui gli operai treatano i clienti; that even when the house has a piccolo space with dei tavolini and a bench that displays the bevande, it is highly probable that there are things; If I so wish, the client who has given usufruito of the service in camera possono consume a drink prima di uscire. The first thing that fans come in is condotti in the labirinto di stanze; Quindi il consuming alcohol is almost impossible.

Photo 3 Naná's house, the most famous border of Punta del Este

Also, during the Covid-19 quarantine, the house of Nana It is costreto a chiudere and battenti for 8 months. Starting in 2021, such is the success of clients and companions who have recently opened; With a new security system to guarantee the health of everyone and soggetti coins.

In tutte le camere it is obligatory the use of mascherine, antibatteric gel and alcohol; per eventuali servizi sessuali resi. I clienti aspettano fuori casa ed entrano one by one. This measure has not facilitated prevention and until February it is not contagious.


As well as the house of Nana; Many other emblematic places come portati there shines from the lusturia and the history of the world of the vip escort. Visit our blog to find out about our culture that surrounds prostitution and see things that are dietary Cabaret of Buenos Aires in Argentina and the Casa degli appuntamenti to Barcelona.

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