Correct tariff: how much dovresti addebitare per i tuoi servizi? Published on 19/10/2022 by Carlos

Fair rate: how many dovresti addebitare per i tuoi servizi?

lavori eats scorta from Buenos Aires, ma felt di non avere il tasso correct per i tuoi servizi e non stai guadagnando i soldi che meriti? Oppure sei novo e non sai como configurare correttamente le tue tariffe?

In this guide we will show you two steps how to make a simple calculation of your personal cost and of the services that are provided and individual individuals and your cost of service.

How to calculate the correct rate for your short services

Consult the direct contact

Knowledge is powerful, but I allow you to think about this and your services based on the requests of the clients and all the offers of other supplies. Quindi, per prima cosa, scopri chi è la tua concorrenza directa nella stessa fascia di età, elenco di servizie e posizione. When I see your direct concurrence and the price I know Cut of the federal capital Fanno pay per i tuoi stessi servizi, saprai dove ti trovi, quanto puoi addebitare e anche cosa puoi aggiungere o modificare cuando si ttata dei tuoi servizi di scorta.

Photo 1 Correct tariff: how much dovresti addebitare per i tuoi servizi?

Fai a list of the spese

Think about what I am and your mensili costi legati al tuo lavoro Short North Zone. We are talking about things like clothes, beauty services, sex toys/intimate clothes and things that we use today; Eat preservatives, lubricant, water, caramelle, etc.

As long as there is a number in mind, how much does it cost you to offer a good quality service, now think about how many applications you can put in a day, without esaurirti. Calculate the correct hourly rate that should be added in order to pay for your installations and other thick and avere communication a good reddito.

Costi delle chiamate in entrata rispetto ai costi delle chiamate in uscita

It is anticipated that I will also offer accompanying services, think in advance and mention it in your profile. The distance that I must travel to find a client is another requirement that I have. If I ask, I will notice that the costi delle chiamate in uscita is superior to the costi delle chiamate interne. Assicurati di includere nella tua tarifa oraria that this spese aggiuntive, like the taxi fare, il tempo che trascorri sulla strada. Inoltre, added a face of "vanità", perché essere scorta da Belgrano Devi dress well and make a good impression.

Analyze your client list

A second of how big or small your cast of clients is, how much you are new in a post or how much you are new in this activity, you can decide which is your right price. If there is a solid cast of clients, they can allow you to add a bit of più. sei nuovo come shorta di cavalli I am working to build a cast of regular clients, I can add to it as other competitors, but I will add a little "zucchero" in between these days and your services on the road.

Photo 2 Correct tariff: how much dovresti addebitare per i tuoi servizi?

That this is the first thing I will consider when I decide not to pay for the service. Assicurati to follow the protocol and not to lose a ticket if you go guadagnarti da vivere and have a solid cast of clients. Which other things are taking into consideration when your tariff stabilizes? We don't see the hour of feeling your idea right!


Come hai potuto leggere, I will create the fair rate for the services that offer you a lot of money in advance. One of the migliori consegli che puoi take into consideration to increase successively i tuoi costi è potenziare il your marcho personale and I will increase the visit all'interno delle diverse piattaforme for farti meet dai future clients.

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