Curiosità sulle escort – The story of VIP services Published on 04/12/2024 by Carlos

Curiosità sulle escort – The story of VIP services

In the world of the intimate relationship it is important to know some curiosità sulle escort e sul Sessional accompaniment services col tempo. So perché we will explore some fascinating aspects of this argument, from its origins to our day.

We invite you to discover 20 interesting facts about the history of VIP escort services. Unisciti a noi in questo tour atraverso il world delle escort e scopri informazioni interessanti che forse non sapevi!

Curiosità sulle escort nel tempo

  • At the beginning of the escort services offered in all'antica Roma, dove the escorts were considered artists and were highly appreciated by the company and abilità a letto.
  • During the 18th century in Europe, the courtyards were not noted for their elegance, intelligence and social abilità. Many of the loros have different personalities in the society of the era.
  • In the 19th century, in Europe there were popolari and borders, where the women offered and served in exchange for denaro. This case was not noted for the discretion and lusso.
  • Negli anni '20, during the proibizionismo negli Stati Uniti, buffer stock We provide you with all the necessary information to accompany you on weekend events and private parties.
  • Another curious fact riguardo alle scorte è che, during the second world war, the scorte had emotional support for the soldiers at the front, providing them with company and comfort in difficult moments.
Curiosità sulle escort – The story of VIP services
  • Negli anni '60, with the sexual revolution, and escort services with a boom in popularity poiché the person close to new experiences and sexual freedom.
  • Currently, the world of the escort has evolved with the arrival of the Internet, since the online platform has not facilitated the contact between clients and escorts.
  • According to recent studies, it is estimated that 20% of the money and 5% of the abbiano used and escort services at a certain point of life.
  • In some oriental culture, like the Giappone, the tradition of geishe is stata paragonata alla modern figure of the escort, poiché enters offrono company and intrattenimento to its own clients.
  • Nell'antica Grecia, the etere erao donne istruite e colte che fornivano compagnia e intrattenimento agli uomini ricchi. The first step in the company was very apprezzato.
  • Another curious fact riguardo alle escort è che, during il Rinascimento, in Italia, il courtesans He was known for his beauty, intelligence and artistic talent. Molti di loro divennero patrons of artists and philosophers.
  • In the course of the story, the escort has spent many diverse days, providing company on the occasion of social events to provide emotional and sexual support to its clients.
  • In some northern countries, such as the Svezia, the shortcut services are legal and regulated by the government, with the objective of protecting and directing the labor of the people who work in this sector.
  • In the letter and in the cinema the figure of the escort was represented in various ways, from the stereotype of the femme fatale to the complex and individual characters.
  • In a contemporary society, escort services are provided by diverse prospects, which go beyond the acceptance and normalization of all stigma and controversy.
Curiosità sulle escort – The story of VIP services
  • In the course of time, the accompagnators are stati soggetti a normative legali e sociali that sono variate a seconda del contesto culturale e politico di ogni epoca.
  • Currently there are organizations and groups that are close to the promotion and direction of the labor and security of the people who labor as escorts, controlling the fruitfulness and the social stigma.
  • The figure of the “companion” does evolve to include people with gender identity and diverse sessuali orientations, rifletendo la diversità and pluralità in this field.
  • Il short service These are the details of your questions regarding the legalization, regulation and protection of the diritti and human beings of the people who work in this sector.
  • Nonostante gli stigmi ei pregiudizi sociali, i servizi de escort sono stati parte integrale della storia umana, riflettendo aspetti complessi e profondi della sessualità e delle relazioni interpersonali.


I escort services have presented a significant part of the human story, riflettendo sia aspetti positivi che sfide complesse riguardanti la sessualità, il potere e le relations personali. Know the story with this argument and allow you to understand the right direction in the society and rifle with its impact on our life.

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