Difference between prostitute and escort – Know the work of the escort Published on 15/08/2022 by Carlos

Difference between prostitute and escort – Know the job of the escort

If you are going to start working in the session, it is extremely important to know the difference between a prostitute and an escort. Inoltre, che tu sappia com'è l'industria del lavoro sessuale in generale.

Le esperienze di ogni lavoratore nell'industria del sesso devono essere prese con le pinze cuando no habla. Motivato che, non essendo la stessa cosa, è consigliabile effettuare un'indagine approfondita per scoprire che tipo di trade si vorrebbe fare.

Difference between being a prostitute and being an escort

work of prostitute


Una delle differenze più marcate tra prostitute e escort è che lavorare in a bordello fornisce an environment of abandonment and abandonment. Cioè, sei en un sito statico in cui i clienti come to consumare il servizio. It is not necessary to move or be there near customers.

Photo 1 Difference between prostitute and escort – Know the work of the escort

Allo stesso modo, cuando si lavora en un bordello non ci sono costi, poiché tutto ciò che viene fatto nella stanza è coperto dalla tariffa praticata dal bordello. Inoltre, I can enter in a bordello without some knowledge of the settore oltre to know what farai sense. Say alone, the prostitute did not have a good idea of ​​the business when it started.

Another difference between prostitutes and escorts is that a bordello offers a safe environment, which without dubbio will give you more safety for svolgere servizi sessuali lì. When I start and I don't know how to treat my clients, the best way to start is to do it in a bordello.


Nei bordelli si lavora a turni, bisogna rispettare regole e regolamenti. Non è un lavoro in cui puoi gestire e desporre completamente del tuo tempo.

Lavorando a turni, sarai in grado di generatera grandi quantità di profitto como nongenerare alcun denaro. The reality is that between a shift of 8 hours there is no reason for your letter, you can work only one hour or two times.

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Another difference between the prostitute and the escort is that this last time can freely allow the parrot to work and manage the use of your time. Il accompaniment of Buenos Aires Lavorano l'opposto gave a shift from 8 o'clock and did not wait with another ragazze the arrival of a client.

Il Cut of the federal capital Hanno il tempo e la libertad di vivere la tua vita. Puoi generatere in un'ora ciò che genereresti in un'intera giornata in un bordello. Inoltre, this type of work allows another work or one to study at full time.

On the other hand, if you are willing to generate an extra income, you can always take part in the weekend to take part of any soldo in your fund of risparmio. Il Escort North Zone They have no control of their own time, of the services, of the tariffs, of the images and of the clients. In this way, the client who assumes an escort who has no già scelta prima and can skip the presentation, which is another difference between prostitute and escort. Say alone, nei bordelli, le ragazze devono pavoneggiarsi davanti ai clients per essere scelte.

Photo 2 Difference between prostitute and escort – Know the work of the escort


Starting this type of work generates a feeling of loneliness during the first month. The woman who introverts tends to dig it a little too far for the woman who can be introverted, but with a migliorano tempo and if she relates better with her client parrot.


If you are interested in starting out as a prostitute, you will know the difference between a prostitute and an escort. In this way, I will be able to determine which operation is most convenient for you.

Inoltre, dovresti sapere che non ci sono molte comunidad di supporto per guidarti ungo la strada, persone con cui parlare di uno strange cliente o dirti quanto puoi farti pagare per i tuoi servizi. That should have stopped going through the research or acquiring experience.

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