Description of the escort – How will I describe you for experiencing an impact? Published on 05/06/2023 by Carlos

Description of the escort – How will I describe you for experiencing an impact?

After the most important thing to insert in a profile, the description of an escort is the most important. This perché, a seconda delle parole che utilizzerai, riuscirai a transmettere al tuo potential cliente gli aspetti più rivanti del tuo servizio y della tua personalità.

The photo is important, as it is related to your service, so think about it as follows: your potential client enters your profile, see your beautiful appearance, the label of the service you offer, your name, your contact number and nient'altro. Come motivate him to sceglierti tra tanti VIP Accompaniment of Buenos Aires?

I will describe in various paragraphs, what you want and what you can do to render your service, a fascinating experience is one of the things in which you will help us.

I made a note and told you how I will create a description of the escort who will make you very fat!

Passages to create a description of an interesting escort

Chiediti quali abilità possiedi e demostrale 

The description of your escort is very clear, concise and warm. When you start the text describing your profile, you should keep in mind this three instructions:

Photo 1 Description of the escort – How do I describe you for experiencing an impact?

–Quali sono mie competenze Short of the Federal Capital?

– What are my personality and attractive features?

– What part of my body is the most sexy and my safest day?

Quindi, I will only respond to this three questions in a descriptive text that will be the person whose legge you will find and pass the moment of incredibili in your company.

Attire it with your sexy appearance

È una delle cose più ovvie, vero? Your client will be able to see the photo, but this is a vantaggio in this case, we will describe you in detail, in your appearance. For example:

"I sounded like a Argentine puttana curved. "A beautiful lady who loves fitness."

These are some details that you can insert in your description. Accompagnatrici di Belgrano; Ciò will create an irresistibile image in the mind of the client that will prompt him to turn on the phone and make an appointment with you.

Another example may be to refer to the gross fact that you have not seen the time you feel about your natural balance on your penis. Quei dettagli that I can write to ecitarlo and fargli desiderare ancora di più.

Raccontagli of your personality

Alcuni pagano for an'intense sessione di sesso for soddisfare i loro feticci, altri nearby only company or interambi. In any case, there is no need to pay for a Caballito's Companion with whom you felt your blessing, and that your personal personality was an important moment!

In the description of your escort, talk about what you want, what you can offer and others Accompaniment of the Northern Zone NO. For example, let me know that you are a great assistant, that my friends and family will study your own and that there is a clear mentality.

I describe the sexy costumes that you will wear during the days of the day, raccontagli dei tuoi tacchi alti, della tua lingerie di pizzo or di quei feticci that are available to soddisfare per lui.

Sigilla l'accordo con tue abilità a letto

Finally, tell your potential client in the description of your escort that you have the distinction of being 100% satisfied.

Puoi scriber che ti piace fare massaggi sensuali, gola profonda, 69, scopare da dietro, giochi di ruolo, sesso a tre o menzionare quali accessori usi per gli incontri.

Your idea is so suggestive! The idea is that your possa will describe and serve the services that are offered and are on this, in such a way that at the moment of encounter, the person who has appuntamento senta to see ottenuto is exactly what he/she wanted and most of all.

Photo 2 Description of the escort – How do I describe you for experiencing an impact?


Here is the evidence in the description of your escort that looks unique to you. If sincere, let me know in detail what your capabilities are and what is right for you to describe so far the difference in terms of quantity and quality of your clients.

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