Prezzi delle escort – 6 ragioni che giustificano loro tariffe Published on 17/05/2023 by Carlos

Prezzi delle escort – 6 ragioni che giustificano loro tariffe

If you have used the service of a VIP escort or have you felt the various costs of the loro service, do you want to know if any escort is so expensive? The price of the escort is not easy to start, but it is very diverse and fattori che giustificano l'investiment.

If you are one of those who have posted this question, we have prepared this article for many reasons and motives. Argentine Escort Hanno costi diversi. Quindi legs in detail così capisci perché è a giusto investimento.

Ragioni per cui il prezzo delle escort può essere alto

Poiche the tariff of the VIP escort to Buenos Aires We may vary and some are very high, so we will tell you some reasons for the escort's prezzi:

I haven't always sewn so much flow from the work

Also it is true that someone puttane della Capital Federal Hanno decine di clients in una setimana, la mayor parte gestisce un flusso minore. Inoltre, the reunion lasts only 1 or 2 hours, which generates a medium stipend.

Senza will count the time in which the flow is not elevated, and the days of assenza per malattia, and the days in which the ragazze have no the cycle and the time released. Quindi il tuo reddito is not always constant.

Photo 1 Prezzi delle escort – 6 ragioni che giustificano loro tariffe

If you pay only for the sex work, but also for the emotional worker

Molti clients believe that the incontro si riduca to the sesso, to the piacere and to the divertimento; ma la verità è che il Belgrano VIP Accompanatori Fanno un grande emotivo effort per soddisfarti. This is an aspect that influences the price of the escort.

The work of your companion is not limited to the bed 

Fare the publicity necessary to contact my clients, respond to the email, manage the account, deal with people who are not interested in prenoting and entering into contact, being part of the work of a Escort North Zone. This procedure comes into consideration when it fails.

Also sexual stigma has a price

The personal life of accompagnatori da Caballito Spesso diventa very complicated, because of the social pregiudizi. And “puttanaphobia” is what the laborers of the vengeful brain are mistreated by many people and social groups. Render someone incapable of leading a normal life.

Date queste circostanze, è ragionevole che qualsiasi lavoro che comporti maggiori rischi sociali debba avere una tariffa più elevatedta per coprire qualsiasi eventualità che si presenti.

Hanno spese operative elevate

Dalla pubblicità, ai servizi fotografici, al trucco, all'abbigliamento, alle bollette telefoniche. All these workers will generate the most necessary requirements so that the accompagnators can provide good service. Naturally, in the price of the companions you will have everything you need to buy all these elements.

Photo 2 Prezzi delle escort – 6 ragioni che giustificano loro tariffe

Access to the short body is beautiful

In fine, the physical and emotional contact that makes an accompaniment very personal, whose value is high. Pur being a worker like an other, the service is unique and exclusive, so the tariff must be a filter to compensate for all the effort necessary to resolve it.


Come now, there are different reasons why the price of the escort is high; alla fine, paghi for a special service and an incredible experience. Quindi, è meglio non ossessionarsi per il cost, ma piuttosto concentrasi sulla ricerca del compagno che ti faccia feele che l'experienza è completely worth it.

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