Fare regali a un'accompagnatrice: scopri come farlo correttamente Published on 03/06/2023 by Carlos

Fare regali a un'accompagnatrice: scopri come farlo correttamente

If there is an intention to give gifts to an escort, she will be accustomed to receiving gifts that are close to receiving her attention. Giving a gift is only for the pleasure of giving it, it does not make a great impression on your friend, the ideal is that you know what type of gift is different to distinguish it from others.

Lasciamo reports the anxiety! A gift that colpisce, that is thought to distinguish, is not difficult to think about. Lascia che ti aiutiamo to give a gift to yours scorta from Buenos Aires I prefer. Impara came fare correctly and gave an escort away.

Motivi per fare gift to an escort

To celebrate an occasion

To celebrate an anniversary, an event both atteso or find any new one is a reason to give gifts to an escort. I gifted, soprattutto quelli condivisi, eat champagne and cioccolatini, may be able to add something meaningful in più to a special occasion.

Photo 1 Fare regali a un'accompagnatrice: scopri come farlo correttamente

Per fare beautiful figure

As a client, you will always have to keep in mind that, for an escort, you will find someone who has merchandised, this is incoherent or not considered during the preceding dialogue because you will be confused.

When dissatisfied Short of the Federal Capital, I will show generosity because it is an optimal way to stabilize the rhythm of the tempo afterward. A fiori mazzo, which shows consideration in the preceding conversations and generosity in the encounter, showed that you were a good customer.

To show the apprezzamento

Sei uscito with a shorta di cavalli For some time you will feel the great effort made in your efforts to show how much you have appreciated the time that has passed since then. Puoi fare regali ad an'escort se conosci il suo compleanno de ella, è un buon moda per subtlineare l'importanza che dai.

Even if the partner is a worker and a client is obliged to give nulla in più respect to the agreement in advance, please make a gesture of apprezzamento nei suoi confronti ti farà guadagnare points extra. All this way, it is respectful, punctual and kind is the greatest gift that each client has fare. A gift will compensate for a loss of good manners.

Situations can be avoided when you do not give gifts to an escort

Aspettatevi qualcosa instead

Un vero dono si fa gratis, senza aspettative. If you receive preferential treatment from part of Short North Zone with chi condividi, tempo extra or sconti in the future; Quindi is giving a gift... he is giving an obbligo. E nessuno vuole avere un obbligo, no matter how beautiful it was.

Regali very stravaganti

An expensive little dress is fascinating, it is from the right taglia and the style that fits your child. scorta da Belgrano, but a bottle of whiskey worth 500 dollars is extra, if not drunk.

Fare regali a un'escort potrebbe puterla a disagio se li considered troppo. Ti consigliamo, it has been intended to spend a huge amount to impress her, if you ask her if she feels safe at the cost of fare, she will appreciate it.

Photo 2 Fare regali a un'accompagnatrice: scopri come farlo correttamente

Fuori obbligo

Come abbiamo accennato prima, il lavoro sessuale è lavoro. When I agree to see an escort, I must pay her compensation, arrive on time and treat her with respect. There is no obligation to give gifts or gifts, unless you try anything you want.


Fare gift to an escort who will protect you as a client who is your companion. When we say, we feel good with noi theses and this is part of the experience. The important thing is to try to make money, but someone who doesn't feel obligated to do it. For the largest part of the escort argentina, your good behavior and your efforts in the camera will be sufficient.

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