Galleria Güemes – Luoghi to visit Published on 17/03/2022 By God

Galleria Güemes – Luoghi to visit

The Güemes Gallery building is considered one of the first grattacieli in Buenos Aires with i suoi 87 meters high. Il visitatore di quegli anni rimaneva surprise dalla varietà di usi e funzioni che ospitava al suo intern.

At the piano interrato if there was a theater and an important meeting room and restaurant. At piano terra, the Galleria Güemes with local shops and gastronomy varies. Dagli uffici del primo piano e dal sesto livello si trovavano gli appartamenti completely arredati che venivano temporaneamente affittati.

Arrived at the 14th piano if you found a pasticceria that had a view of the city and where it was laughing with the accord of an orchestra that had a balcony inside the room. Quattro livelli sopra il belvedere, gives fun to the highest point of the city with a unique 360 ​​degree view of the heart of the city.

Güemes Gallery accompanied by technical allestimienti as elevators in grade of travel 140 meters in 60 seconds, impianti anticendio che pompavano fino a 24.000 liters all'ora e che si activavano proceso alarmi electtrici posti al piano terra e nel semiterrato.

I diversi settori avevano la refrigerazione, il riscaldamento e la ventilación forzata, e anche il tabellone luminoso che informava sull'occupazione degli uficien faceva parlare perché indiscreto. A system of pneumatic tubes works on the internal post for the Galería Güemes building.

Non less d'impatto è stato l'accostamento dell'illuminazione naturale e artificiale della volta e la lavorazione del bronzo del passaggio, o dei dettagli in bronzo delle vetrine e delle porte degli elevatori.

Il teatro aveva sedili montati su una soletta en cemento armato che, a sua vuelta, aveva un supporto revolvele en grado di modificare l'inclinazione della sala.

The set has aroused a futuristic davvero impression considering that it was in corso in 1915. The promoters of the opera were Emilio San Miguel and David Ovejero from Salta, owners of great fortune and owners of the villa of 1830 who found their land above Florida . All'inizio if he thought he would carry out and work only his quest road, but by the Banco Supervielle, owner of the lotto that if affacciava his San Martin, if he is united to the project.

If you decide who would go for a building-passage that collegasse will have to walk through a 116-meter gallery. Sviluppato dall'architetto Italian Francisco Terencio Gianotti. The Güemes Gallery is considered a capolavoro dell'Art Noveau.

The construction of the Güemes Gallery began in 1913, and faced many problems, and its owners failed because of the cost of the laundry that passed from 10 to 15 million pesos. His situation was aggravated when a sunken ship arrived in the ship transported by the Italian marmi for the factiata sulla Florida and several oggetti were expensive for his entirety.

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