Cura delle erbe – Come understand the cure of your body in natural mode Published on 24/06/2022 by Carlos

Erboristeria – How to take care of your own body in natural mode

Prima della professionalizzazione della medicina, le donne, le streghe, le ostetriche and i membri della famiglia were no i custodi del cure of the erbe. Phytotherapy is accessible, adaptable and can be a laugh at reference when there is no possibility of access to institutional cures.

Questi rimedi si concentrano principalmente sulla salute vaginale. Scopri the possibility of infections and traditional medicine, to take care of you eat Short of the Federal Capital.

Herb-based body cure

fungal infections

Le infezioni da lieviti sono una crecita excesiva di infezioni da lieviti in the vagina. It is normal to itch, it bothers and influences your normal secretion; I can distinguish a slight infection from a bacterial vagina in different ways. Ecco alcuni suggesti per prevenir e curare un'infezione da levito.

  • Use and preservatives, they are not in lattice; Poiché, nel tempo, puoi sviluppare sensibilità al lattice e procurarte un'infezione da lievito.
  • Very lubricating, rubbed with a condom used during the session, it must be adequately lubricated and not if it will easily verify a fungal infection.
  • part of cure of the erbe I will use origano oil, many food businesses have a section of natural food. Assume 3 to 5 times a day to drink, dilute in water, to strengthen the immune system; This will help you to regularly eliminate the excessive growth of candida in your system.
  • An other council based on greenery will handle the wheat with moderation; This will help your body eat a probiotic, but the vinegar from cider di mele and the Greek yogurt are migliori. To use the needle, insert one spike into the vaginal canal. Lascialo agire per circa 6-8 ore e poi gave a pause to your first body to insert an other tooth.
Photo 1 Cura delle erbe – Come understand the cure of your body in natural mode

bacterial vaginosis

Batteric vagina is a bacterial infection that causes painful throat, male-odorant and discolored secretions; It also causes a general bruising/itching sensation.

  • The olive oil of the cocco + the olive oil of the tea are excellent cure of the erbe; entrambi gli oli sono antimicrobici e antibatterici. Insert a tampon with the miscela di gocce di tea tree oil in little oil of cocco, for about 6 hours and poi rimuovere.

urinary tract infections

Urinary tract infections are very common to the woman. Escort North Zone, say alone if you verify not with the penetrative session. It may not be incredibly painful and it is important to avoid any sexual rapport.

  • Il succo di mirtillo rosso può essere ingestito per alleviare le condicioni; There will be around one liter a day, più molta aqua per scovare l'infezione.
  • Other cure of the erbe è bere Tulsi or Holy Basilica; This will help you eliminate bacteria in the urinary tract. Bere gives 1 to 3 cups a day; Lascio will ripose the fog for 15 minutes first of all.
  • Ursine grape tincture is an extraordinary way to help eliminate a urinary infection from your body. Consumare un contagocce pieno 3 turn al giorno.

oral infections

If chlamydia che gonorrhea possono vivere nella gola; And if I sounded in the hole, I could not be present in a urine test, which is what fanno is the greatest part of the standard urine test. IST che come eseguite scorta da Belgrano. The mode can be simple to prevent infection from the throat of the living person using cure of the erbe, è I will use an alternative based on herbs.

  • Add 3 bastoncini di cannella and a cucchiaio di chiodi di garofano to 5 cups of water, porta ad ebollizione, copri and fai sobbollire for 20 minutes. Filter the cannella and the chiodi of garofano and add 1/8 of the cup of sale. Fine mix to complete dissolution; The ricetta will last around 3-5 days in the fridge.
Photo 2 Cura delle erbe – Come understand the cure of your body in natural mode


eat for the work say shorta di cavalli, cure of the erbe, if based on his intuition and his innate capacity of being in tune with his stessi for ascoltare and segnali of the body. It is not always a process that is, but Phytotherapy It is highly individualized and it is important to respect the diverse seams that your body has bisogno per guarire.

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