The “Blockchain” is a “disruptive” technology, which is still reshaping the world. È, niente di menos, the stone angolare of the "Internet of value". And very soon it will be possible to pay with questi "Cryptoactives" all and well provided and soprattutto servizi; Yes, also that of the escort. Perché Blockchain è la base delle criptovalute.

It is generally accepted that there are three phases in the evolution of the Internet:

  • 1.0 network was characterized by broadcast, cioè grandi emittenti di contenuti che cercavano di riunire il tutto (i famous “Portales”). L'utente was a soggetto passive ei siti web a sorta di "riserve chiuse", spazi delimitati e inaccessibili. Sarebbe the first period of his existence, between 1991 and 2003.
  • Challenge 2.0: The user is an active part of the process. It generates actions in various modi: value content, carica video, write blog articles, publish photos, publish comments on its main media sites, etc. This is an epochal change that has transformed the way in which we intend and collaborative process and the nature of knowledge. The fundamental mutation is che l'utente is diventato l'autore. divennero prosumer: whoever consumes content, ma allo stesso tempo produces it. And some technologists have not started to theorize their Blockchain as a base for "risorse crittografiche" created by individuals. In 2008 there is the famous manifesto of "Satoshi Nakamoto" (nessuno sa chi sia, se esiste) that announces the new era.
  • web 3.0, Dove saremmo now that this expression, published in 2006, is used to describe the evolution of the use and interaction of the person on the Internet, which has increased performance. For example:
  • Il “semantic web”.
  • The Geolocation.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Big Data as a method of elaboration of the immense quantity of data that the stessa Internet produces.
  • And, naturally, ciò che ci interesta oggi: the transfer of value through the web, with blockchain eat chiave teacher. La catena di blocchi è la base delle criptovalute.

The fine of the soldi?

Initially, the information circulated on the Web in a single direction (from the passive addressee) and subsequently it was bidirectional. Ora la stessa cosa sta accadendo con la transmissione di valore (or denaro, più precisely).

The “fiat” or fiduciary currency, which we know with the usual currency and banknote, is “materializing”. Prima con le carte di credito (create a metà degli anni '50 del secolo scorso). Poi con le carte di debito, con gli assegni, con “l'home banking. Così abbiamo avuto la possibilità di effettuare tutti i tipi di operazioni bancarie a distancia. Even with the current digital payment gateway, such as PayPal, Payoneer and others. Il biglietto è una specie in via di extinzione, senza dubbio.

Ora Blockchain è la base delle criptovalute, y ti permette di fare un ungo paso en più, con Bitcoin, il più famouse, Ethereum e altri che magari ti sono già stati proposti. Perché si basano su esta tecnologia revoluzionaria. The transfer of value can or may be done unless there are any institutional intermediaries, totally diverting "P2P" (From person to person) for concern of the financial system.

We can define it as a single record, concordat and distribution in various nodi di una rete. In the case of cryptocurrency, it is like the master book in which the transactions are registered.

In ogni blocco della catena is memorized:

  • A valid registration or transaction number,
  • Information related to that block,
  • Il suo legame con el blocco precedent e quello successivo, con l'hash (univoco codex che funge de imprint digitale del blocco).

Quindi, ogni blocco ha un posto fisso all'interno della catena, perché contenazioni hashes de la blocco antecedent. The complete chain is stored in each and every one of the Blockchain networks, and quindi ogni member of the network does not have a copy. With migliaia e migliaia di loro distribuiti in all the world, hacking richiederebbe un imaginable calcolo potenza. 

Sebbene Blockchain is the cryptocurrency fundament that comes Bitcoin e tutti gli altri, è only the tip of a gigantic iceberg. This technology was born in 1991, the year in which North American mathematicians wrote their first work on a catena of crittographically protected blocks. But his fame exploded in 2008, with the arrival of Bitcoin.

Its use is very rich in other commercial applications and if expected to increase by 51% by 2022 in various sectors. Soprattutto finanziaria, in the "Internet of Things" (IoT), as a system of inviolable tracciabilità per il commerce, and obviously in the payment of services as quelli svolti dalle escort.

I know that the Blockchain is at the base of the cryptocurrency that we will always use più. Ma eat ricevere pagamenti in criptovalute? If there is no anchor, very soon we will give you many informations to appreciate your very interesting thing. Ci rang vantaggi nell'uso delle cryptovalute , which is important.

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