Come squirtare – A practical guide for accompagnators and clients Published on 29/12/2023 by Carlos

Come squirtare – A practical guide for accompagnators and clients

Saper squirtare è an argument that has raised much interest among the usual clients of VIP escort to Buenos Aires negli ulti anni. Even though I know that there are many people who have had many doubts and confusion at the same time, I will always find people who are incoraggiate to explore this practice.

We will approfondiremo tutto ciò che safeguarda squirting; It doesn't matter how to do it. We will provide you with all the information you need to know that you will experience squirting in a very unpleasant way!

Cos'è lo schizzo?

Squirting, also noted as female ejaculation, is the flow of liquid across the urethra during orgasm. Anche se ci sono ancora molti dubbi e miti a riguardo, è stato demostrato che lo squirting è una risposta sessuale naturale e sana in alcune donne.

Photo 1 Come squirtare – A practical guide for accompagnatori and clients

Benefits of squirting

  • Know how to squirt and intensify the orgasm and create a very intense sensation of orgasm and pleasure.
  • Squirtare può aiutare Escort North Zone pernetterti profoundly with your body, through the exploration of knowledge and knowledge of knowledge.
  • As an orgasm in general, squirting can release endorphin and relieve stress, promoting a sensation of relaxation and well-being.
  • This practice can involve the contraction and relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles. Ciò contributes to strengthening it and ad ottenere benefici per la salute sessuale.
  • Raggiungere l'eiaculazione femminile può will increase the sexual fiducia of the women, consenting to explore new aspects of the sexual relationship and communicate properly.

Come spruzzare?

Previous preparation

Prima di vare a squirtare, è essenziale que tu sia en uno stato di lassamento, sia physico che mentale. Essendo Puttana VIP of Capital Federal, if you can practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation or relaxing bags to help reduce tension and stress.

L'eccitazione sessuale è la chiave per ottenere lo squirt. After a while exploring your fantasy, erotic stimulation and preliminary stimulation to increase the excitement of squirting attempts. All this way, ensure that there is adequate vaginal lubrication to facilitate stimulation and relieve any discomfort or injury.

Create a comfortable and private environment where you feel safe and relaxed. You can use soft music, scented candles or other elements that help you create a favorable and intimate atmosphere.

Adequate stimulation

The stimulation of the G-spot can be very effective in ottenere squirt. I will use the specific instructions and instructions to determine the quest area. In this way, the stimulation of the clitoris can provide a great eccitazione and, in some cases, can lead to squirting.

The ghiandola di Skene, known also as the female prostate, is the source of the ejaculated fluid during the squirto. The pressure technique, such as stimolazione with the dita or with giocattoli sessions, may be very effective for squirting. Essendo VIP Escort to Belgrano, you will be able to experience different levels of pressure and rhythm to find out what works best for you.

Communication and consensus

Talk to your client about what you want, know and limit all squirting. It is important that I feel at home and be ready to experiment. Inoltre, assicurati that enterambi siate d'accordo nel test to spruzzare.

All this way, always respect and limit your client. If you felt unlucky or unsure at any moment, I should respect your decision.

Photo 2 Come squirtare – A practical guide for accompagnatori and clients


Per quanto riguarda come spruzzare, ciascuno VIP Accompaniment of Puerto Madero It is unique and you will experience diverse experiences, but it is fundamental to explore and experience with peace and respect.

Remember that squirting is not obligatory, it is not necessary for anyone to experience it, and it is very good. The most precious thing is godersi l'incontro sessuale secondo and proper desideri and limits.

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