Mancanza di desiderio sessuale – Know the causes, and symptoms and treatments Published on 07/08/2022 by Carlos

Mancanza di desiderio sessuale – Know the cause, i sintomi ei trattamenti

The stain of sexual desire is a behavioral problem that is common to negli uomini che nelle donne (it is also many less almost studied), the persistent stain of desire to someone else if it verifies negli uomini di età compresa tra 16 e 44 anni.

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Cos'è il disturbo del desiderio sessuale ipoattivo negli uomini?

As the name indicates, it is a disturbance in which the sexual interest is maintained at a low level, influencing the sexual wellness of the person who is suffering. A person with this disturbance does not respond to the desire of impegnarsi in attività sessuali; or with your partner or with a VIP escort.

Photo 1 Mancanza di desiderio sessuale – Know the causes, and symptoms and treatments

Gli uomini che ne sono affetti sono spesso menos ricettivi ai tentativi di eccitazione sessuale da parte di un'altra persona; to the point of losing my interest in self-stimulation.

In general, this condition is only accompanied by physical or psychological problems; sexual dysfunction is common. It is a problem that may interest around 1.6% of the uomini.

Cause of mancanza di desiderio sessuale

What causes the mancanza di desiderio sessuale? The origin of the inappetenza sessuale can come organically or psychologically; quest'ultimo è il fattore principale e più frequente tra gli uomini.

The organic life can not be verified if there are alterations ormonalis or endocrine problems; malattie croniche or malattie metaboliche. Alcohol and psychopharmaceuticals may not be the cause of the disturbance of the hypoactive sexual desire.

Psychological causes including sexual nonconformity with the partner, erectile dysfunction, stress, anxiety, and disturbances of light, stasis, stress, personal pain that the partner does not hate, monotony in the relationship or a vita sessuale insoddisfacente.

Symptom of the disturbance of ipoactive sexual desire

It is important to stop the pain and symptoms that cause a stain of sexual desire; In this way, I turned on the measurement and the corrections corresponding to the situation that produces the unsettlement. I have some symptoms that have influenza:

  • I will say "no" so much that it is not male, I will constantly have an invitation to indicate that something is not going. L'excessiva stanchezza or altri problemi emotivi causati possonare a diminuzione dell'appetito sessuale.
  • Mancanza di intereste per il tuo partner o perdita di amirazione per lui Short of the Federal Capital Potrebbero is an other symptom.
  • I will feel pain during the session because I am a fattore to consider; Perché, if the sexual act is painful, the situation can be further aggravated, further reducing the sexual appetite. He felt pain because it was a medical problem, who consulted the doctor.
Photo 2 Mancanza di desiderio sessuale – Know the causes, and symptoms and treatments

Solution to the problem

The first thing to resolve the lack of sexual desire is to analyze the aspects that are changed when your desire to have sexual rapport is diminutive, or even less so. Valuta se lavori di più, se ti senti più stanco, i motivi per cui non senti più voglia, se ci sono cambiamenti fisici. A concrete answer is the key to start working on your problem and solving it.

If the problem is ormonal or physical, help us quickly. Vai dal dottore e spiega in dettaglio cosa ti sta succedendo; non aver paura, dettaglia cosa ti succede. A health professional will take very seriously what I said and will help you find a solution to your problem. If I do not do it, the sexual desire will persist and may be dangerous, causing serious physical, emotional and sentimental damage.

In the case of an emotional problem, avrai bisogno di auto psicologico; This professional will decide what is the impediment and will guide you to give you the quick and definitive solution in the way that this problem is with your company.


Avere rapporti sessuali è vitale per l'essere umano; Therefore, the lack of sexual desire can be seen as a serious problem, to which it is necessary to give a quick and definitive solution. It is common for many people to assume Short North Zone per soddisfare le tue esigenze; This ragazze possono diventare ottime terapiste sessuali.

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