Intimate per escort and the body parrot Published on 29/05/2023 For the love of God

Intimate per escort and the body parrot

I will use intimate biancheria per escort that you are good and that you felt your welcome at work, that you will give us everything and know that you will know your body type, so that you can influence the second thing you decide to acquire to surprise your Premium clients. do not appear beautiful and sophisticated!

Importance of using good lingerie for the escort

The work of the escort consists fundamentally of the most sexy possibile, which does not speak of volgare, but the service is not offered as such. Remember that the clients close to us give you the routine, see any different things, and remember intimate biancheria per escortPiù che una spesa is an investment on our part.

It is important to clean our storage room with this type of storage, since it is one of the most effective instruments that we can use to help our client. In addition, we also share with our self-esteem, it is scientifically proven that a woman has learned to look sexy and feel so happy about herself.

Therefore, it is very important to determine what your ideal body type is and what type of intimate body you are looking for to be a sexy bomb. Naturally, everything depends on the typology of the clients you have, also this is an aspect that you will study with great determination at the moment of the task. intimate biancheria per escort.

Corpi tipi to be used by the lingerie by the escort

These are diverse tipi of sfoggiare bodies intimate biancheria per escortCome when we do it, we are aware of what is ours, so we will help you to make a very accurate and accurate code at night. For this reason in this space you will see that with the new intimate biancheria it will appear better and without imperfections.

Photo 1 Intimate per escort and the body parrot


This is one of the tipi of the most famous body, poiché the donne fanno di tutto per avere curve ovunque and questo è caratterizzato dallo estesso. Have a piccola vita e la stessa proportional delle misure sui fianchi e sulle spalle.

 Thus the intimate biancheria per escort These are the tips that you should purchase as follows:

  • Capi a corsetto: a sexy corsetto always comes attached, insieme al suo perizoma or perizoma.
  • Abito sexy pigiama: sarebbe indossato di più for a trustworthy client, who invites you to take a trip or something of the genere. If it consists of a short vestaglia, thickly transparent, which may be indossata with or without perizoma sotto, depends on your fantasy.
  • Mutandine alte: the mutandine alte sembrano sensational sui fianchi long, quindi puoi prenderle come opzione, funzionano also con il reggiseno ampio sotto e le mutandine corte sexy o entrembi.

Body a pear and lingerie per escort

I also know how to triangle, this kind of body after what I saw intimate biancheria per escort, si caratterizza per avere un bel sedere e, soprattutto, fianchi long. Therefore, the intimate biancheria must be qualcosa che faccia risaltare il tuo seisre. Alcuni potrebbero essere:

  • Collant creativi: possono essere del type perizoma e hanno nastri che li trattengono in diverse parts, che attirano l'attenzione sul sedere. Anche le cravatte vanno bene.
  • Reggiseni a balcony: even though this is another aspect of the fact that we have to have it, so that we can stand alone, it is important to close a reggiseno that is in the water. The balcony is an option that has a scegliere perché è elegant and talvolta that can give transparency to your sine in a way that appaia più appariscente.
  • Collant alti: seeing that our fianchi are long, we dobbiamo think about how to sow our life un po' più piccola, quindi è un indumento di intimate biancheria per escort, che non fallisce. Puoi sceglierli when there is no creativity to perform, perché ti staranno always bene.

inverted triangle

The spalle and the breast were only pronounced in this body, while the rest were very lean. Once again life is pronounced. Alcuni esmpi di cui puoi tenere conto nella scelta intimate biancheria per escort I'm:

  • Cullottes: poiché il tuo sedere è less pronounced, questo ti farà tenere il sere sollevato, rendering it più visible to your client.
  • Scollatura all'americana: sono speciali, poiché non sembreranno noiose e valorizzeranno la parte più pronouncedta che hai, ovvero il tuo seno.
  • Corsetto stretto: if there is a pronounced life, that you will farà sow più piccola and your sine will be very evident. Inoltre, try to render it without spalline and in degree of treatment without silicone.

Body a mela e lingerie per escort

Vita e fianchi sono long, soprattutto sei po' sovrappeso. Per quanto riguarda gli arti, sono sottili. Your breast is only big and voluminous, it may be very vantaggio, and your breast may be big or small. Allora la tua biancheria intima sarebbe:

  • Riduttori: this type of reggiseno has long coppe and in the back part tends to raccogliere a bit by the corporeal mass, così sembrerete più sexy, gives triple DDD dive.
  • Coppa piena: another type of record that I can procure, data that you hold very well. Possono also see the bralette-type mix with a cup and dovrebbero starti benissimo.
  • Reggiseno a vestaglia: per this type of physical, is very attractive a short vestaglia with pizzo or with a central opening. Ciò migliorà il tuo seno, come dovrebbe


One of the bodies considered to be common in assoluto, because everything is proportionate, if you can add it, say that it does not sound like such a curve as it is negli altri. Alcuni consigli sulla biancheria intima che potrebbero aiutarti sono i seguenti:

  • Reggiseni push-up: it is a type of reggiseno that can adapt very well to your corporatura, poiché poiché il sine non è molto, può aiutarti aiutarti to seed bigger.
  • Decorazioni: Since there is a proportioned body, you are provided with the pregiati colors and the lingerie, as well as the riches, the pizza and the other tips of the decorations that are generally not visible on the intimate floor.
  • Bralette: it is a type of Reggiseno that may be romantic in its style, but it is very beneficial for all people with a small body, in which case you can wear it as intimate biancheria per escort.

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