Messaggi agli accompagnatori – Come talk correctly with an accompagnatore Published on 01/11/2023 by Carlos

Messaggi alle escort – How to speak correctly with an escort

Le prime impressioni contano semper, especialmente se per uscire con un scorta da Belgrano. When I send messages to the escort devi treat her well, just now you apprezzerà di più. Per non parlare del fatto che prenderanno più prenotazioni con te e ti indirizzeranno ai loro amici.

To send messages to Escort North Zone Dovresti essere il più naturale possible, non sforzarti troppo di impressarla, la conversazione dovrebbe scorrere da alone. The best way to make a good impression.

If you know how to send messages to the escort, we will talk to you about some of the migliori modi to conclude the conversation in a safe appuntamento.

How to send messages to the escorts for uscire with parrot

Do not ask for your hint

How do you feel this being a perfetto sconosciuto volesse sapere dove vivi? Obviously, you rifiuteresti di farlo, è lo stesso con il Cut of the federal capital. The largest part of the escort richiede a prenotazione confirmed if a client richiede i dettagli sulla posizione.

When I exchange messages with the escort, in primo luogo, I will make an appointment with lei prima di chiederle where they do not meet. However, if I am not a regular customer, please provide all the information that is required within the scope of the selection procedure.

Photo 1 Messaggi accompagnatori – Come talk correctly with an accompagnatore

I will follow the instructions

Dovresti know that I will not follow the istruzioni fornite during the exchange of messages with the escort will make him think of canceling his appointment. We are talking about the incontrovertible time of communication, the schedule of arrival at the venue and your behavior during the appointment.

This is his reason for essere. Ed è che, he communicated with me in a moment when he is not available, it is possible that he is with another client, at the university or with her family. And if a client li infastidisce nel bel mezzo del loro tempo libero, he può rendere the sew imbarazzanti.

Do not respond

If you return to message with an escort, the most courteous thing to do is respond as soon as possible. Soprattutto is avevano in programma di vedersi quel giorno. A nessuno piace aspettare, e se passano più di 15 minuti senza ricevere risposta, è highly probabile che annullino l'appuntamento.

If I don't want to più i suoi servizi, scusati per avergli fatto I will lose time and spiega le tue ragioni.

show your good manners

When you send messages to the escort, show that you are a gentleman and that you are angry. Scrivi per dire parrot "Sei libero?" or "What happens?" You will induce him to ignore you.

Yes polite and start with "Ciao". If I know if it is available at a certain time, I asked "Sei I release X now?". And if there is no specific day or time, just ask “What is your availability?”.

We assure you that in this way I can start a good conversation by prenoting and serving you.

Visit the parrot website and read all in detail

Prima di send messages to an escort, leggi ogni dettaglio del sito web en cui l'hai trovata, compresi prezzi e servizi. If you can't allow yourself to spend an hour or two with the law, find someone else.

Do not write to her but suggest another price for her services and I will not waste time trying to convince her that she will not receive her services. We didn't do it.

Inoltre, non chiedere informazioni sulle tariffe e sui servizi offerti se sono già menzionati nell'annuncio. I will lose only time.

Do not call it "amore mio" or "piccolo"

If you are sending messages to a short girl, this double parole will be used only if you know very well and your dear regular customer. If not, please courteous and call her always by name.

I will not send a picture of your penis

Don't fart! The only thing that otterrai is that you block più quickly di a rooster that crows. Nessuno shorta di cavalli you will sbaverà addosso and you will run uncontrolled.

Photo 2 Messaggi accompagnatori – Come talk correctly with an accompagnatore


If there is an intention to write messages to the short ones, it should be the most risky possible. Ricorda, it is not in your power to have an appuntamento with the law, it is her own right, there is ALWAYS the last parola! Quindi sii educated in ogni momento e manteni lo stesso atteggiamento cuando ti vedi all'appuntamento.

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