Point A – The area where you will live where your escort is Published on 30/08/2023 by Carlos

Point A – The area where you will live where your escort is

If you are a lover of sexual exploration, you have probably felt something about the G-spot and its capacity to provide intense orgasms. Ma hai mai sentito parlare about point A? And how does this erogenous zone provide intense stimulation and stratified orgasms all over the world? Certainly not. 

Ma non worry! We know that we have certain things that we know how to apply with saggezza, with Argentinian accompaniment for raggiungere new sessions of sessions.

Rimani fino alla fine e scopri i dettagli!

Cos'è il point A and dove si trova?

There is an erogenous zone located on the anterior wall of the vagina, just inside the pubic bone, approximately 5-7,5 cm. I also notice how the anterior point or anterior erogenous zone (AFE), which is part of the nerve fiber and erectile tissue, is linked to the clitoris.

Photo 1 Point A – The area where you will live where your escort is

Poiché si trova più in depth in the vagina, its stimolazione può is very difficult to ottenere rispetto to that of the G point. It produces a lot of lubrication and gives you orgasms even more intensely and lastingly.

How will I distinguish point A from point G?

Sebbene si trovino enlla estessa generale area della vagina; If I distinguish easily, the point G if on the posterior vaginal wall, vicino alla ghiandola di Skene, while the point A if on the anterior wall, vicino all'urethra.

We find the point A, we know that it is difficult to find its depth, but the point G is the most distinguishable, perché, introducing the due dita in moda curvo in the vagina of the Short North Zone You may feel a slightly rough or rough area. 

Passaggi per stimolare il point A del tuo accompagnatore

Once you have found point A, it is important to know how to stimulate it properly to obtain the most important point, so we suggest you say:

  • Preparation: first of all, assicurati of discovery in a comfortable and relaxed environment. You can start with a masturbation session to help you. puttana horse per scaldarsi.
  • Lubrication: To perform the stimulation for comfort and safety, use a generous amount of water-based lubricant to rid the water.
  • Positioning: The correct position must be the key to determine point A; Therefore, we will not try to find different positions to find out what works best (some of the best ones and we will not talk before).
  • Pressione e movimento: la stimolazione del point A richiede un pressione decisivee e conte, a cui si aggiungono anche movimenti circolari o di andata e retorno.
  • Use the following steps: some are designed to simulate point A, so there is a pronounced curve to adjust this area.

The best positions to stimulate point A

Missionario with le gambe sollevate

In this position, il Compagno della capitale federale Dovresti raise the gambe and position it on its back. This aiuta ad press the vagina, allowing a greater penetration.

The cowgirl on the contrary

Qui lasciamo il scorta da Belgrano If it is above you, saving your feet and sporgendosi in advance, applying the mani on your petto.

Il cagnolino

This classic allows for very deep penetration, allowing you to easily raggiungere the A point with a penis or a sex toy.

Il cucchiaino

Essere dalla tua parte con tua escort della Zona Nord ti renderà più facile raggiungere il point A con il tuo penis, le tue dita oi tuoi giocattoli, quindi no esitare a provare que esta posizione.

Photo 2 Point A – The area where you will live where your escort is


Point A is a little-known area, but you can give intense orgasms and lots of piacevoli, so don't wait to experience and discover new forms of piacere, with the best! VIP escort to Buenos Aires!

If you found this type of articoli interesting, we invite you to read many more on our blog. Eat, Ppositions for oral sessions Y Cervical orgasm.

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