Sesso sicuro – Errors can be avoided when you are with an escort Published on 02/11/2022 by Carlos

Sesso sicuro – Avoid mistakes when you are with an escort

Il safe session if you refer to tutta quella pratica sessuale che si realizza dottando i dovuti accorgimenti; con l'obiettivo che sia tu che il tuo VIP escort Sono protetti prima, durante e dopo l'atto sessuale.

Using the adequate protection method, not only cover to the degree of reducing the risk of indesiderate gravity, but cover also protects against eventual maladies of sexual transmissions that could be counteracted. Il primo paso è keepe presente che la mayor parte delle infezioni no sono visibili ad occhio nudo e que si no sei a conoscenza della situazione, poresti essere il prossimo ad essere infettato.

I make 5 mistakes that I make alone if I fanno when I am with an escort

I believe that the condom is completely safe

It is laughable that the condom is one of the contraccettivi methods that are easily accessible and effective safe session; Poiché oltre ad evitar una gravidanza indesiderata, acts as a barrier to control the sexually transmitted malattie (MST); It may break, tear, tear or be used improperly.

Photo 1 Sesso sicuro – Errors can be avoided when you are with an escort

In theory, its effectiveness ranges from 98% to 99%, but in practice it is much lower; but it is not always used correctly. Therefore, when I assume and serve sessuali di a scorta from Buenos Aires, è fundamentale assicurarsi di posizionarlo bene e che le dimensioni siano adeguate; che si tratti di sesso orale, vaginale o anale.

Ingest alcohol or drugs during sexual intercourse

Have practical sessuali sicure close to you Short North Zone, devi mettere de parte il consumo di alcol e droghe; Poiché sfortunamente le persone che no sono sane di mentale hanno maggiori probabilità di scegliere ragazze VIP con poco cura. This state can make it difficult to use the condom or misuse it.

Not required by an STD test

One of the last legati to the sessuali services with the escort and the safe session, è credere che only selling one person; It can be determined whether or not there are sexually transmitted infections. Quindi, do not fate convince yourself of this false credence, since the majority of the escorts get infected do not present obvious symptoms.

Autocalculation of the days of ovulation of your escort

Please note that the App consents to knowing the menstrual cycle and the period of ovulation, which I note as the "fertile period"; è meglio che tu non ti fidi di te stesso. These applications can not be used to plan a vacation or to obtain a pregnancy; I will not skip condoms or another method of sesso sicuro.

It is important to keep in mind that the days of the fertile phase cannot be known precisely; Poiché, with this type of date, if fanno calcoli approximate and biology is not mathematical, quindi è meglio non rischiare.

Photo 2 Sesso sicuro – Errors can be avoided when you are with an escort

I will not use the condom

The condom is a condom that works as a physical shield against any change in vaginal fluid, sperm or blood as long as it is used correctly. It does not have a 100% effectiveness, this method can help you with less possibility of countering malatti come; HIV, verruche genitali or syphilide, which can be transferred also in assenza di penetrazione.

In the case in which you think that with the condom you will not feel null, a good trick is to use a little lubricant on the tip (always based on water) for a greater sensitivity and sensation with you shorta belgrano.


Il safe session È il nome di una serie di pratiche o metodi che possono proteggerti dalle malattie sesualmente transmissibili e dalle gravidanze indesiderate; With the power scope I will maintain a very healthy sexual life.

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