Sexual politics – When the state influences your escort's work Published on 20/02/2023 by Carlos

Sexual politics – When the state influences your work as an escort

Leggere di legge e ascoltare ragazzi in giacca e cravatta che haveno discorsi; Non è qualcosa che atira l'attenzione di nessuno. Occorre but pay attention to the sexy politics, which regulates the profession of any prostitute.

It is important to read the laws and regulations that regulate the work done on a regular basis, so that every professional knows the legislation that governs his or her own work.

Oggi inside ArgentinaXP, we will provide you with information on the legality of the work of the Argentine Escort.

Photo 1 Sexual policy – ​​When the state influences your escort's work

Brief introduction to the depenalization of sexual work

In general terms, in the world, sexy politics If you divide into three categories:

  • Criminalization: When the state is old, the type of session activity comes from the source of reddito.
  • Rules: Si parla di regolamentazione quando lo Stato stabilisce regole especiali su ciò che lavoratrici del sesso possono e non possono fare.
  • Decriminalization: The status accetta il lavoro sessuale come qualsiasi other types of lavoro.

This last question is the only favorite application of the organizations for the diritti of the people. Cut of the federal capital. When the sessual work comes treated as any other type of work, we can do what we need to do to keep it safe, following the last steps of the work done.

The criminalization and regulation of sexual labor

For my clients, I am a consumer of the service offered to them. Short North Zone, twenty più difficult. Ciò has origine in the fact that chiunque uscire with an'escort must make great efforts to demonstrate that he is an affidabile person.

Fare l'accompagnatrice non è un è voro che possa essere classificato como pericoloso, gli come data questa connotazione quando sexy politics We try to color that what is practical comes from second class cities.

When a scorta da Belgrano If you feel unsafe, there is no further guarantee that the dissatisfied person is a legitimate customer and not one who provides a way to harm your style of life. Ciò means that it will be selective and different after first contact. Spetta quindi al cliente prendere le misure necessarie affinché l'accompagnatore possa fidarsi di lui.

In Argentina, since 2003, every city under 18 years of age has the legal diritto of selling services on a regular basis, purché such services are offered voluntarily and not arricchiscano terzi. Therefore, the sessuali services may be offered in free time and on public streets, but the enjoyment of prostitution and the traffic of such human beings are considered crimini.

Associazione delle Donne Prostitute dell'Argentina (AMMAR)

Created in 1994, the Associazione delle Donne Prostitute dell'Argentina (AMMAR) is a syndacato di lavoratrici del sesso that chiedono allo Stato di guarantire la sexy politics, I diritti umani e lavorativi delle prostitute in Argentina. All this way, close to increasing the knowledge of the differences between sessional work and essential human work.

Photo 2 Sexual politics – When the state influences your work as an escort


I work sessuale svolto da accompagnatori da Caballito ha le sue basi nella sexy politics of the Argentine State. Pur non essendo un compito riconosciuto da la società, la legge ne avalla l'attività con il suo regolamento, motivated by the fact that there remains a certain difference in part of a fascia of the popolazione that ancora non capisce che yes tratta di a lavoro dignitoso e sono importanti eat tutti gli altri.

When puttanephobia and stigma come to the sexual work, it will be overcome, it will be the moment sexy politics This status can be changed to favor and completely decriminalize the work of the escort.

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