C'è una crescente domanda di content web session I will sell. Surely, come escort lo sai bene; It is very likely that you will love it. I always had to agree to create it, but I had an extra fountain of guadagno. That "content is king" works like a sort of mantra or common place in the audiovisual industry. Also in marketing, it is what interests me.

However: What should I know to do it correctly and that I have given the mission of fidelizzare and clients and generate extra profit? Ci sono diversi punti da tenere en considerazione, sia per quanto riguarda i contenuti audiovisivi che scrtti, anch'essi possibili e consigliabili (sebbene non siano i più comunico).

Contenuti sessuali per il web: non devi essere una "porno star"

I kept it with a broad criteria, I may consider the creation of content of virtual sessions for the web, il "sexting" e pratiche simili, eat part of the "personal march" che puoi (e dovresti) build to consolidate in your profession.

It is a service in più, in this case without physical contact, that can be added to the menu that is offered to your clients. Molto in vogue is il citato "sexting", the name of which is a combination of "sesso" or "sesso" and "sms" or scrivi messages. If you are sending audio, photo or video of personal erotic and sexual content through mobile devices and through instant messaging applications or social network, e-mailSono instrumenti simili.

Milioni di persone lo hanno fatto e lo fanno in tutto il mundo, senza essere escort o profesionista del sesso, tutt'altro. But if it is your profession, you can and dovresti plan the generation of this content web of natural sex.

It is fundamentally to establish a frequency for the creation of content. And respect it, realize it. It is not worth posting anything one volt and lasciarla lì, immutable and solitary, forever.

It works as a vera e propria zavorra that I will crawl a blog, a website or any account on your Social Network or Piattaforme, given that I will not be able to enter and see a post six months or a year from come più recente. Purtroppo capita spesso.

if there is an intention to generate content web sessionIt was a gymnastic plan and sustainable in time. Non c'è una frequenza prestabilita, obviously, ma (and based on your attività) and post at least bisettimanali vanno bene. No dimenticare, obviously, gli "speciali" (lancio di nuovi servizii e disponibilità, anniversari, promozioni, etc.)

Precautions and variants

Il "sexting" It includes the sending of static images (photographs) or dynamic images (video) of sexual content of maggiore or minor erotica The person I saw consented voluntarily e che fa parte di un'attività sessuale che si sviluppa liberadamente, senza pressioni o minacce.

Therefore, if there is an intention to do so, it is essential that you maintain the initiative and a great discretion. Yes, you believed that you contained your wealth or eat a way to promote it, so yes. completely professional production. E che i destinatari non presentino problemi behaviorali, perché potrebbero condividere improperly contenuti che non dovrebbero diventare virali, perché non è per quello. Or strapolalo dal answer per farti del male in qualche modo.

Do not harm your "production"! Devi vederlo eats a investment, do not come extra thick or come simple decorum alla tua imagine your Internet. Dovrebbe is an integral part of your offer of services.

Other than the photo or video, and the girl quoted "sexting" (that can be live, that is a "streaming" of sessions and on demand, without this having a ragazza on cam, che è un'altra cosa) consider the possibility of recounting your story in a test.

A magical parola: “Storytelling”

Please, do not exclude devoting time to the preparation of a test that brings your personal story as an important component of your "personal march". Avrai semper spazio e consigli in modo da poter aggiungere una storia compattivante che ti mostri come sei. l'hanno già fatto some of your colleges.

Tutti abbiamo molto da dire, anche se non siempre ne siamo consapevoli. Our personal stories may not be attractive and, correctly written, represent a determining part of that "personal record" that can be distinguished from all of us. Ecco di cosa si tratta narrative: tell a story, literally, and fail yours. If it is well structured, it will always be there for us.

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