Abilità apprese – Be an accompagnatore ti Cambio per semper Published on 17/04/2023 by Carlos

Abilità apprese – Be an accompagnatore ti Cambio per semper

Lavorando in this settore, dopo a certo tempo ti rendi conto di aver aquisito competence apprese. Che a difference di quanto si crede, permettono di migliorare!

Spesso I can feel diverse opinions about the work of a puttana of Buenos Aires, if there is a person who has not completed the service, if there is a color that I know only by reference. And the general giudizio has always been a negative andamento. 

Tuttavia, lavorare as accompagnatore può permetterti di sviluppare alcune abilità che aiuteranno nella vita quotidiana.

Compete in working as a friend

Scopri when the person is speaking the time

When you are VIP Accompaniment of the Federal Capital I am afraid that, as you enter your life, there are people who enter your life only to lose time and energy. one of yours competence apprese It will be able to determine immediately.

Some clients are philosophical, they have millions of people who have done so and canceled the application. This person is not sincere and has some experience in being able to identify you. In this way you concentrate only on your clients who are not worth it.

Tuttavia, many volte avrai a che fare con persone emotivamente irresponsabili, ma teni always present quanto segue: la vita è troppo brevi per aspettare le persone sbagliate, è meglio trascorrere del tempo con quelle giuste.

Photo 1 Abilità apprese – Be an accompagnatore ti Cambio per semper

Saprai come say "no" and come say "yes""

What Compagno della Zona Nord, tra i tuoi competence apprese Saprai will say "no". It is an essential part of what I do.

Only perché ricevi denaro, not at the mercy of the client. Ci sono clienti che potrebbero spingerti ad attività sessuali che non vuoi fare, ma è tuo compito far loro saere something non farai. Or proposing alternative oppure stabilendo subito dei limiti. 

To be able to say no, the first thing is to recognize and limit myself: to know what is not far from being in a determined moment, to ask what is wrong in the new situation, to be assertive in saying “no” in an educated manner and without losing my lucidity. attractive. 

All this way, it is important that your sappia will say “yes” when you ask something. Communicate with your client and know what he is doing to you, so you will feel safe and have a better experience. 

Siamo tutti attratti da diversi tipi di persone. 

Among the competence apprese che otterrai, saprai che l'attrazione fisica e sessuale ha più a che fare con la diversità che con il physico della persona.

The universal standard of beauty is sbagliato, quindi, l'essere VIP Escort to Belgrano, do not worry about your physical condition. There are several types of attractions, don't worry!

Persone diverse trovano attractive cose diverse e molte non sono convenzionali. Give value to your personality and not only to your physical appearance, which will give you greater security to give and enjoy a very rewarding experience. 

Fidati del tuo istinto 

It's very important to have the story that you say to yourself, we still have visceral emotions! Anche sei un Caballito's VIP companion, we will not deny your emotions or your sentiments.

Ascoltateli e agite di conseguenza! This is very useful when you are valuing a client. When you starai with lui per la prima volta, assicurati che la sua vicinanza de el sia sicura per te. 

Photo 2 Abilità apprese – Be an accompagnatore ti Cambio per semper


There are many competence apprese Thing svilupperai lavorando eat short in Argentina. Remember to always follow what is yours, to be realistic, to value your personality and to say yes or no when appropriate, but to be happy to have any experience and to stop that from happening.

If you found this type of articoli interesting, we invite you to read many more on our blog. Eat, Sessional breakage Y Physical attraction.

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