Stimulate the penis – Method to dare many piacere as an escort Published on 31/07/2023 by Carlos

Stimulate the penis – Method to dare many piacere as an escort

Senza dubbio, ogni corpo è un universe pieno di sfide e misteri, ma quando si tratta dell'uomo, alcuni Escort North Zone Danno per scontato che stimolare il penis if it is easy to breathe. Tuttavia, quelle innumerevoli terminazioni nervose di cui è dotato il penis sono il motore that can be operated to carry it at the top of the piacere. 

Ma sai davvero come farlo? Ricardalo, regardless of your experience comes Argentine escort, it is always good to know an extra piece of tricks so that you can see success with your client. Quindi prendi note e non apettare oltre per putlo in pratica.

Mod to stimulate the penis

Before turning on the penis like a banana, it should be started with a risk to gradually make it stiff. L'idea non è quella di arrivare como un cannibale insaziabile a stimolalo all'improvviso. Quest'area, come la tua, è sensibile e può essere danneggiata se gestita in moda errato.

Photo 1 Stimolare il penis – Metodi per dare molto piacere come escort

The idea and preliminary to stimulate the penis are an effective way to motivate and access the sensitivity of your client. La seduta foresees baci appassionati, carezze e massaggi nella zona vicina (nell'inguine, nell'addome e nel pube).

manual stimulation

Now that everything has been heated, you can apply stimulation directly to your penis, implementing various pressure and speed techniques. 

Start masturbating him by concentrating on his glans, varying the speed and intensity. And obviously, when you arrive, use the lubricant!; Vedrai come si scioglie con piacere tra le tue mani.  

oral stimulation

At the same time, manual stimulation can also be accompanied by a good oral session; even if we know what we know VIP Accompaniment of Buenos Aires Fellatio must be agreed preventively.

With this in mind and simply insert the ABC orally, remember to stimulate the penis using the language and language to stimulate the glans and shaft of the penis; Combining suction techniques and completely avoiding the use of teeth is not required!

My best sessions to stimulate the penis

To add variety and subsequent stimulation, some of these sessions can be used to stimulate your penis in a way that will give you high levels of performance:

vibrating rings 

These gadgets are designed to be positioned inside and stimulate the penis of your client and test you. Puerto Madero puttana

They are only made with elastic material and fit comfortably to the penis, creating a light pressure that helps maintain the erection and limit blood flow. They are used during vaginal or anal penetration and in oral or manual stimulation.

Uova che si masturbano

I am a type of very versatile device, designed for masturbation. They have a wooden shape, made in silicone or TPE. There is a tight opening to insert the penis and provide a suction sensation during masturbation. Alcuni sono strutturati su entrembi i lati per un maggiore effetto.

Photo 2 Stimolare il penis – Metodi per dare molto piacere come escort


These giocattoli can have shape, texture and diverse materials; These are designed to simulate the sensation of the vagina, penis, mouth or anus during masturbation. It is used alone or during the preliminary stimulation of the penis and some models have additional functions such as vibration or the risk of stimulation for further stimulation.

Vuoto bomb

Manually or automatically, the pump will do this: it will temporarily increase the size and give greater strength to the penis. Quindi, if your client has discovered a little bit of air with the right one, use this instrument and press it finely for the last time.


With no erection, there are various modes to stimulate the penis Cut of the federal capital offrire e ricevere piacere. The important thing eats scorta da Belgrano It means knowing how to find your client and find the perfect strategy that fits all your needs.

If you have your tools to support your handheld holder, use your imagination and provide the information you need to your client with these suggestions!

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