Messaggi di testo – Come chat with my clients as an escort Published on 02/08/2023 by Carlos

Messaggi di testo – Come chat with my clients as an escort

Spesso, my clients were accustomed to sending messages to their friends who told them that they contacted us. scorta from Buenos Aires Deve essere professionale. Is it normal to receive a message "Ciao, are you available?" via SMS, but it is not in the best mode to obtain a prenotation.

Il Cut of the federal capital We tend to license subito and clients who have a brutta figura, ma dimenticano who can again educate the client.

This is why we indicate some of the basic information when interacting with a client to process text messages.

Come chat with my clients to process messages from this text

Niente lunghe chiacchiere

If to be Short North Zone Ricevi messages of this give a client with the typical: "Ciao il mio nome è...", do not exclude it. Please send a message from your reply, which should include your return greeting, your name, cost and availability. Dovrebbe is a brief, precise and direct message.

Even if there is no chat line, you will wait to make an appointment and your client will treat you respectfully, you will do your part.

Photo 1 Text message – Come chat with my clients as an escort

Includes and details

Nonostante had a limited number of characters, if you are a customer you contact via SMS, we can insert and detail your prenotation so we know we are very serious.

Ciò means inserting data into a single SMS, now and for the duration of the prenotation. A good message of this text should be brief and direct, with all the information that your client has learned.

Avoid long conversations

yes my peace shorta di cavalli Ricevi brevi messaggi di testo, come: "How much?”, we must keep in mind that we are clients who will not converse to obtain information and are not willing to pay at that moment.

Since I will dedicate my time to responding to 1 or 2 messages, the third time the appendix is ​​finalized. Otherwise, you can contract "Voglio incontrarti, per quele giorno dovrei prenotare?", in this way it will be excluded if you are dealing with a client who wishes to find the first possible option.

Niente photo

It is normal that, during the conversation via SMS, a client decides to send a photo of their characteristics in order to provide one instead. This, evidently, is a very close way to obtain something in exchange for free.

Please let us know that you can see the photo of your body and that it is included in the publication, possibly the cast in which you have found your number. scorta da Belgrano. If you know what aspect you have, you can see what you are looking for. Altrimenti dovrai will pay an amount per person to send what they wish.

If you follow this management, you will serve it as a client. Eventually you will lose the opportunity and the client will begin to feel disinterested in you.

Photo 2 Text message – Come chat with my clients as an escort


In order to continue, I will send SMS in a very simple way that does not require much time. However, do not waste time with curious people who have not completed the prenotation.

Ottimize your management and be efficient and allow you to obtain more results. Close to keeping the parole brevi e dolci, ma non troppo casuali.

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