Cosa non dovresti scrivere nel tuo profilo – Conosci le parole proibite Published on 18/11/2022 by Carlos

Do not write anything on your profile – Know the parole prohibition

I will alternate between being an escort and keeping your life private (in private) because it is something very difficult to do. Soprattutto when I should have access to the information that I share with your clients. Ecco perché devi sapere sews him I will not write in your profile What Short of the Federal Capital.

A common mistake that makes you tend to make VIP escorts Nuovo sta condividendo troppe informazioni personali. Thinking that in this way we have maggiori possibilities of attracting attention and obtaining new clients. Tuttavia, condividere troppe informazioni personali può essere contraproducente, mettendoti persino in pericolo.

Cose che non dovresti scrivere nel tuo profilo como escort

Your personal phone number

Ad alcuni può sombrare scontato, mail tuo número di telefono personale è una di quelle cose che non dovresti scrivere sul tuo profilo. As indicated, your number is "personal", it must not be used by scopi laborativi. If you are starting at the escort company, first I will get a special phone number for your escort job.

Photo 1 Things do not write in your profile – Know the prohibited parole

See your personal phone number in your profile as Short North Zone Ti lascerà incline a ricevere chiamate a tutte le ore del giorno, senza poter scegliere chiaramente cuando rispondere al lavoro e cuando no.

Home address

Un'altra cosa che non dovresti scrivere sul tuo profilo, mai!, è il tuo indirizzo. Né nelle chiamate né nel tuo profilo evita di indicare il luogo in cui abiti; In this way, I will not use this hint to serve your clients.

I took in a stanza or an apartment where there is an opportunity to serve your clients and I will be able to free one volt that is finite. Consider it a commercial office. Dovresti fornire esta indirectizzo only dopo a complete control of the precedents of your client and preferably one (1) first hour to find it for his or her appointment.

Insert your pointer in your profile scorta da Belgrano You could do better in a very dangerous situation. Perché qualsiasi client può presentirsi ala tua porta sinza preaviso, perseguitarte o persino seguirte. Keep safe and share the fewest possible number of personal information.

personal email

The first thing I will do when I start working as an escort is to create a completely new identity, do not write your personal email on your profile. Please have a name, a telephone number and a different e-mail address from your personal life. In this way, ti assicuri di non mescolare nessuno di questi aspetti e ti prendi cura della tua sanità mentale e della qualità della vita.

I will have a different email address for your short-lived activities, and you consent to having the tue date and conversations that I am selling with your clients. Per il tuo bene, keep your life as compartmentalized and neat as possible.

Social profiles

essendo shorta di cavalli, you can also use social media like this to promote your activities and attract new clients. This is a very good strategy, but our council will create a completely new social profile, in order to maintain your identity as a separate escort from your private life.

Use a soprannome as an escort and create an account for Twitter, Instagram, Tinder, etc., and assicurati di pubblicare only cost relative only to alla tua vita da escort. Do not write your personal reference in your profile as an escort, in this way sew as the targhe of your car, a photo facing your house, a photo with a relative or a dear friend, the name of the arena that you will frequent

Photo 2 Things do not write in your profile – Know the prohibited parole


Non sai mai chi sta visualizzando il tuo profilo y chi potrebbe venventare ossessionato da te e dalla tua vita, perseguitarte o invadere il tuo espazio personale; present if in tutti i tuoi posti preferiti or inviarti messaggi inappropriati. Ecco perché è necesario sapere cosa puoi e cosa non dovresti scrivere nel tuo profilo. If I know that I know what to publish and disclose when it comes to your daily activities or your private life.

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