Il Cabaret Chantecler Published on 14/12/2020 By God

Il Cabaret Chantecler

The Chantecler was a cabaret that operated in the city of Buenos Aires, in Argentina, in a building built for this scope at 440 Paraná Street, a few meters from Corrientes Avenue, between December 1924 and 1960, in the year in which the names of the funcionare and it was demolished. It was owned by the French city man Charles Secondo and his frequentation was nourished by artists, politicians, tourists and well-being people who came to bere, mangiare, ballares and assiste agli spettacoli, in which those legati to tango prevailed.
It was inaugurated in December 1924 and during the '30 years it was called also "Old Paris" and its face was decorated with a mulino and details from Montmartre.

The name of the site is treated as French, a language that at that time was synonymous with the culture of the intellectuals and the well-being class of Buenos Aires, and means "sing chiaro". Il cousin Chantecler met in Río de la Plata was a cabaret that operated in Montevideo in 1910, owned by Emilio Matos, father of Gerardo Matos Rodríguez, which initially called “Moulin Rouge”, by “Campi” and, finally, fine there its chiusura, “Chanteclair”.

You can visit our article on the story of Cabaret of Buenos Aires.

All'inaugurazione si esibì l'orchestra Julio de Caro, la migliore dell'epoca, with lui as violinist and conductor d'orchestra; i suoi fratelli of him Emilio (second violin) and Francisco at pianoforte. Pedro Laurenz and Pedro Maffia played the bandoneon and Ruperto Thompson played the contrabbasso. De Caro did alternate in the gala serate with a group led by a young Juan D'Arienzo, contrasting with his absolutely diverse rhythms and styles: De Caro, who favored the melody, and D'Arienzo, who was pure rhythm.

Il Chantecler was demolished in 1960 when it was inactive for any time. In omaggio al cabaret, Juan Polito, Carlos Ángel Lazzari and Ángel Roque Gatti composed the tango Glorioso Chantecler and, when the locale did not work well, but the building was still anchored, Enrique Cadícamo scrisse the text and the music of a tango freezing it with it Title by Addio Chantecler.

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Comments (4)

Merci Gifted

3 years ago

My sarebbe piaciuto will know that the Chantecler cabaret, surely ai suoi tempi andavano in turn of the belle donne dai corpi sublimi, my sarebbe piaciuto will know that the golden tempi of that cabarulo... and mangiare delle belle gigumente... mmmm ... che bontà... sow own così! Farei tuonare quei piccoli stronzi carini, che delizioso papi muahahahahaaaa


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