I will use the preservative – The importance of using the protection with the companions Published on 21/01/2022 by Carlos

I will use condoms – The importance of using protection with the escort

It is probable that at a certain point in your life you will receive important information use and condom, ma ti sei fermato a pensare perché è una buona idea usarli en ogni servizio sessuale che assumi? The condom will not only help you to avoid unwanted gravity, it will also protect you from any sexually transmitted infections.

But is it important to use a condom with the escort?

The condom is one of the best methods to reduce the spread of HIV and other malattie sexual transmission, thanks to the fact that it has an efficiency of 95%; Inoltre, è accessible, economical and non-richiede a medical pre-registration.

use a condom with qualsiasi short Buenos Aires che citi, will always be a good idea; Although the fatto che queste ragazze is not responsible for the use of other mezzi for turning on the cure of their skin, this method of contraception will guarantee your safety and your wellbeing.

condom vantaggi

I vantaggi offerti dal condom sono innumerevoli; With this, you have the possibility of having a dry and dry sexual life, other than protecting you from pericolose infections due to sexual transmission. Ecco alcuni dei vantaggi più surprisingi dei preservativi.

Prevents sexually transmitted malatti

I preservatives are the only method of contraception that, in addition to avoiding unwanted pregnancy, helps to prevent the spread of infections such as HIV, chlamydia, trichomoniasis and gonorrhea; purtroppo, malattie molto communi nel commerce di Escort North Zone.

Photo 1 I will use the preservative – The importance of using the protection with the companions

possono essere sexy

I am not excused for not speaking use and condom, i preservativi sono disponibili en tutte le forme, stil e plotme; Projected in such a way that the session can last for a long time and the lungo will be very uncomfortable. The protection is important, ma lo è anche il piacere; fortunately the condom offers entrambi!

The use of the condom reinforces the other contraccettivi methods

Adding a condom to your list of contraccettivi can give you greater effectiveness against non-planned gravity and sexually transmissible malatties; Thanks to the fact that it can be used as reinforcement, in the case in which another method fails.

Economical and practical

Unlike other contraccettivi, and preservatives are very easy to obtain; You can buy them in businesses, in health centers and online. Inoltre, sono piccoli, economici, discrete e facili da portare ovunque.

Do not get the use of condoms!

The greatest part of the person can calmly use the preservatives, since they have no collateral effects; However, your skin is very sensitive, the lattice and the lubricant will not cause irritation.

How will I use condoms with an escort?

  • Apri e rimuovi il preservativo dalla confezione, facendo mucha atenzione a non strapparlo.
  • Mettilo on the tip of your erect penis.
  • If you c'è rigonfiamento all'estremità del condom, use the pollice and l'indice per spremere l'aria.
  • Gently roll the thin condom to the base of the penis.
  • If the condom does not rise, you can keep it capovolto; quindi buttalo via e riprova con uno nuovo.
  • dopo aver fatto sesso con te shorta belgrano, stretch the penis while it is anchored; having stretta the base.
  • Infine, rimuovi with care the condom and get it via.
Photo 2 I will use the preservative – The importance of using the protection with the companions


It doesn't matter what type of session I do with you federal capital escortdovresti always use and condom; Poiché questa semplice azione può proteggerti da future malattie a sexual transmission. Soprattutto, this contraceptive instrument you consent to focus exclusively on your pleasure and your sexual partner; without stress at the moment.

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2 years ago

Bye. E ciao.

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