Lavorare con il cycle – Come gli accompagnatori affrontano le mestruazioni Published on 23/03/2022 By God

I will work with the menstruation – How the escort faces the menstruation

What VIP escort, I will work with the period può puzzare; not only for the pain and the disaster that ciò entails, but also for the risk of macchiarsi to which you esponi with ogni cliente to which fissi an appuntamento quella settimana.

Sebbene il menstrual cycle is a totally natural process, offering and your services come Short of the Federal Capital, dovresti prendere in consideration alcuni suggestimenti che possono rendere il sesso durante le menstruazioni un'experienza piacevole; limiting the possibility of trovarsi in an embarrassing situation and offering my own services in all tranquility.

I get 5 million to work with the period

Turning on a weekday holiday or month is not a practical option for none scorta from Buenos Aires; Perché se non lavori, non sarai in grado di fare soldi, e non ci sono indennità di malattia in this settore! Ecco alcuni suggesti per aiutarti a lavorare mentre hai il ciclo.

Photo 1 Lavorare con il cycle – Come gli accompagnatori affrontano le mestruazioni

Plan based on your menstrual cycle

Knowing your menstrual cycle is this, I can plan to work around your symptoms. C'è un giorno del tuo ciclo in cui sicuramente no puoi lavorare ogni mese? Forse I can plan it in advance as an administrative day, your free day or a day to recover and compete from college.

One of the best options to start monitoring your period is the Clue application; imperai easily il tuo ciclo e sarai in grado di prevedere i giorni in cui il tuo menstrual cramps I sounded very intense.

I lived that life of the fight

In the case in which there is no more sense to speak of a dispute, prepare to rimanere sbalordito. A spur is a soft cuscinetto of the dimensions of a golf pig that you can insert into your vagina to avoid the blood flowing while washing your cycle; This will funge the tampon and absorb the blood.

Esistono tantissimo marche e tipologie di spugne, ma le più diffuse sono la Sax e la Beppy; Solito sono confezionati singolarmente, il che consente loro di rimanere sterili. The Sax blades have a piccola cylindrical shape, while the Beppy blades are more oval with a hole for easy rimming.

all Black

If your cycle is heavy, you may be concerned about losing blood, even if you are using a nozzle; This is the moment to shoot fire and black fog (or any other dark color). I neri preservatives are also a true touch, because the blood is less visible than normal preservatives.

Behave like you don't matter

I can have traction for months to know when it goes well to work without the risk of avere il cycle, I will use due spugne, dipingere di nero l'intero vialetto e avere an absolute casino with a client. A volte happens and, honestly, it is not a big problem; se a uomo dispiace a po 'di sangue, probabilmente he non è abbastanza maturo per fare sesso.

In this way, if there is an accidental loss and your client sows arrabbiato, he does a feint of non-averne idea and it ends up with a pompino or a sega; If you behave like you are not a big problem, if you behave like that you are not a big problem.

be creative

Yup I will work with the period Do not enter your options, ma vuoi comunque guadagnare denaro; It's time for you to be creative. Explore alltri servizi che non coincideno i tuoi genitali, eat a pacchetto pompino or an erotic massage. Molti Escort North Zone Offrono massaggi erotici in lingerie, which eliminates the need for a fight if there is a cycle.  

Photo 2 Lavorare con il cycle – Come gli accompagnatori affrontano le mestruazioni


competence I will work with the period, not only you will help me to eat scorta da Belgrano and get più easily potenziali clients; It will also cover the base to prevent and solve any potentially dangerous situation.

Se vuoi saperne di più su tutto ciò che riguarda le escort; I can insert other articles from the blog come miti sulla prima volta Y Alexis Texas.

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