Gli 86 years of the Obelisk of Buenos Aires Published on 26/06/2022 By God

Gli 86 years of the Obelisk of Buenos Aires

The obelisk is considered an icon of the City of Buenos Aires, in the cartoline that turns the world, and paesi seduces with the immagini of the most emblematic costruzioni parrots; Parigi with the Eiffel Tower, London with Big Ben or New York with the Statue of Liberty, one of the most important images of Argentina and the unmistakable symbol of the City is the Obelisk. Il prosimo 23 maggio, questo protagonista di innumerevoli eventi, compie 86 anni, è una boona occasione perne saperne di più su di lui.

Photo 1 Gli 86 years of the Obelisk of Buenos Aires

The opening project of the Avenida 9 de Julio, as an artery that traversed the city from the north to the south, laughed at the end of the XIX century and, even in various projects and projects, the national legge 8855, which has approved its own right with pubblica utilità fini degli immobili located in the future tracciato del Viale, risale al 1912.

Erano tempi di cambiamento e tutto era inquadrato en un vasto piano di opere pubbliche che prevedeva la ristrutturazione e l'ammodernamento della città oltre l'asse che fine ad allora era stato la Plaza e l'Avenida de Mayo; It was given the time to resolve the traffic and speed problems of the vehicles and because of this, the opening of Avenida 9 de Julio foresees a roundabout around the current Av. Corrientes and Diagonal Norte; the Plaza de la República, così come l'ampliamento di Av. Corrientes.

L'indirizzo esatto dell'Obelisco è: Av. Corrientes 1066, Città di Buenos Aires, (Source: GCBA) manello stesso luogo in cui si trovava prima?: l'Hipódromo, un palcoscenico da circo dove si esibiva il famous clown Frank Brown, the primitive stadium Luna Park, the Teatro del Pueblo and the church of San Nicolás de Bari, erected during the colony in the cosiddetta Calle del Sol, by San Nicolás and by Corrientes and that died also the name of the quarter in cui si trovava It was collocato.

For several reasons, the church of San Nicolás de Bari was a historical temple: I saw furono battezzati Mariano Moreno and Manuel Dorrego, they ripped off the spoglie of the presbyter Manuel Alberti; Member of the Prima Giunta di Governo del 1810, who died in Gennaio in 1811 and also in its tower was ventilated by the first volta of the Argentine banditry on August 23, 1812. The chiesa was demolished in 1931 and located at the current headquarters: Avenida Santa Fe 1364 It is the only colonial church that currently does not exist.

With the entire area restored, the union Mariano de Vedia y Miter proposes to the national government to erect an obelisk in Republic Square as a symbol of the fourth centenary of the foundation of the city of Buenos Aires.

A monument that renders giustizia to the greatness of the event and in the decree of realization if it refers to an opera... "Che indicates to the people of the Republic the true importance of the richness..." "... che non c'è monument in the Città che simboleggi l'omaggio della Capitale dell'intera Nazione…” Nasce l'Obelisco.

The laundry began in March 1936 and was completed two months ago, a sure truth for the time.

On May 23, 1936, the great Obelisk was inaugurated, operated by the architect Alberto Prebisch, one of the main references of Argentine modernism.

To optimize the timing and facilitate the getto of the calcestruzzo, it was made in sections of two meters. Utilizzando tra i suoi materiali 1300 m² di pietra bianca di Olaen, Córdoba.

Photo 2 Gli 86 years of the Obelisk of Buenos Aires

The resolution of the structure is confirmed by the placement of two large basements on the sides of the gallery of the metropolitan line D (in construction, and inaugurated in 1937), which opened above the lower gallery of the line B (1930), its queste its due base , furono poste cinque grosse travi che servirono da sostegno ad un'estesa ballast su cui poggia l'obelisco.

Its total height is 67,5 m; at 63,5 m the apex starts, which is 3,5 m. There is a single entrance door that guards the city's highest point and, at the top, quattro finestre alle quali if you access from a 206-gradini marina scale, with sette pianerottoli distant from otto metri, tranne one of these at a distance of six meters . Wear the basso and pianerottoli in the shape of a diamond have no portata limitata, in some cases the wall is così stretto that the cement rubs against the schiena di chi comes out, but not i pianerottoli quadrati that allow a complete turn inside the obelisk.

Verso l'alto si apre un piatto con duo fori: gli "occhi di fuoco" che permettono il passaggio della luce solare all'interno e accolgono la meravigliosa punta smussata che concluding the obelisk.

Photo 3 Gli 86 years of the Obelisk of Buenos Aires

Dalle finestre poste nel punto smussato si vedono i quattro punti cardinali della Città; dalla finestra ovest, Av. Corrientes, in direzione di Av. Callao, a est, Av. Corrientes si vede nella direzione opposta; verso Av. Leandro N. Alem and Puerto Madero and also Diagonal Norte verso Plaza de Mayo; the south view, is with the building of the Ministero dell'Azione Sociale della Nazione e l'Autostrada 25 de Mayo and across the finestra nord si può seere l'Autostrada Dr. Arturo Umberto Illia (AV1Norte) and il Río de la Plata.

Sulle pareti interne sono state scolpite le legende indicanti la data, l'anno ei partecipanti al completamento dei lavori, nonché la data di inauguration. Fuori ci sono telecamere, radar e parafulmini.

Photo 4 Gli 86 years of the Obelisk of Buenos Aires

All'esterno delle quattro face are presenti iscrizioni che ricordano diversi storici events: il fronte nord says: "In this place, in the tower of San Nicolás, the national bandiera fu issata per la prima volta in città il XXIII august del MDCCCXII ", sul front ovest if it says; "Federal Capital, legge emanated from the National Congress of the XX September of MDCCCLXXX, its initiative of President Nicolás Avellaneda, decree of President Julio A. Roca VI of the December MDCCCLXXX", the southern border station reads: "Second fondation of Juan de Garay XI de Junio ​​de MDLXXX" and also in a piccolo retangolo the poetry "El Obelisk" che Baldomero Fernandez Moreno scrisse in omaggio ad Alberto Prebisch (second the story was written during a dinner at the Hotel Alvear, a tovagliolo and consegnato alla moglie di Prebisch), in fine sul fronte est, the iscrizione recites: "Buenos Aires alla Repubblica, nel IV centenario della fondazione della città da parte di Don Pedro de Mendoza XI del febbraio MDXXXVI".

All'inizio l'Obelisco fu scartato and ironically named "fermacarte di cement", "pugno" or "palo". On June 21, 1938, there were no pezzi di muratura, but for one year after the demolition was voted by the Deliberative Council of Buenos Aires, claiming ragions of public incolumità, economical and aesthetic, the President of the Republic Roberto M. Ortiz who expresses himself. monument commemorates an important event such as the first foundation of Buenos Aires, and that the Minister of Lavori Pubblici has paid the price of ripping, while the sindaco della città di Buenos Aires, Arturo Goyeneche, has vetoed all the Ordinance that has not approved the demolition . The repair was eseguita, ma la legenda che indicava Prebisch come artefice dell'opera andò perduta.

On various occasions it is intervenuto l'Obelisco: negli ultimi giorni del 1973 è stato addedbbato as a albero di Natale; In 1975 it was used to convey two messages to the city: "Silence is health" and "Keep Buenos Aires clean", in 2005 it was awarded with a pink panno that simulated a condom to commemorate the Giornata Mondiale della lotta all'AIDS and in 2009 is decorated with a braccialetto with the slogan “Say no More” to announce the return to the box of the musician Charly Garcia, and on some occasions it is illuminated to commemorate a significant date.

Some of these interventions have not provoked the polemics that have accessed, and forse that he has revealed his surprise for his originality, it was made in 2015 by the artist Leandro Erlich, who has nearly created the illusion that the apex was found rhymed; For the sake of it, the monument is richly covered with an iron lining that does not simulate the cement, while a replica of the upper part was found in the Museum of Latin American Art in Buenos Aires, (Malba), from its finestre will see the obelisk simulavano il visitatore di essere al suo apex. Nelle parole dell'artista si è generated the fantasy of knowing the obelisk inside, since it is always seen outside and from the basso.

Photo 5 Gli 86 years of the Obelisk of Buenos Aires

Regularly, the maintenance workers of the buildings are around the Ministry of Public Space and Urban Igiene of the Commune, which stops the "chiavi dell'obelisco" and does not authorize access, being necessary some measure of safety (imbracatura, corde di sicurezza, guanti , caschi) Così, only some national media and esteri l'hanno visitata to show it to the internal user.

Can the public visit it all'interno? Only on rare occasions, one of this is stated when the obelisk has completed 75 years and 75 vicini of the 15.000 registrati have not been able to celebrate it.

Poi, in occasione dell'ottantesimo compleanno, sono stati invitati traverso i social network a partecipare all'esperienza, e delle 21.143 iscritte sono state sorteggiate ottanta iscrizioni.

On the next day and on the occasion of its 86th birthday, the public is also invited, through the media and the social network, to participate in the selection to carry out the visit, an event that, as planned, will rise above the stamp.

Photo 6 Gli 86 years of the Obelisk of Buenos Aires

L'Obelisco è più di una cartolina della città, present nei momenti più felici e nelle rivendicazioni più angosciose, a volte era del River e altre del Boca, ma semper della Nazionale, has celebrated Democrazia and the Bicentennial as già Nel corso della His story is the undisputed center of popular expression.

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