Fi-Fiuuuuu, che mine! I porteños della Buenos Aires coloniale avrebbero esclamato – se avesero potuto – vevendo arrivare l'abbagliante e vulcanico Perichon. The beauty of this lady, her fascinating conversation with an esotic accent and a spicy sensuality, facevano battere forte i gentiluomini and accendevano l'invidia delle dame creole. She soon was accused of being a "mangiatrice di uomini", contrabbandiera e spia. E l'ultima goccia de ella è stata de ella cuando il vicerée Liniers ha perso la testa por lei, ed è iniziata a delle soap opera più discusse dell'epoca delle invasioni inglesi.


Marie Anne Périchon de Vandeuil, best known as Anita Perichón or “la Perichona”, was born in 1775 on Isola Bourbon (ie “La Réunion” in the Mascarene archipelago), a former French sediment located in the Indian Ocean. She belongs to a family of the French colonial elite and she is very young, she was married to an Irish official in the service of France, Thomas O'Gorman. In 1797 the family settled in Buenos Aires, where it was immediately followed by Thomas, the doctor Miguel O'Gorman, creator of the Protomedicato, the entity preposted to the regulation of sanitary practices in the colony. They arrived with "great sfarzo", as if he said all the time, and while Ana's father failed in his attempt to find a farmer in Brazil, O'Gorman castigliano his name in Tomás and acquired campi in the periphery of Buenos Aires .

The life of Don Tomás was complicated by the English invasion, so to see collaboration with the Nemico was imprisoned Luján by the riconquista and, insisting to offer his services to the invaders in 1807, they encircled refuge in Rio de Janeiro. Her mother, Anita, rhymes with Buenos Aires, where she came from the lover of the "heroes of the day" and from the new uomo forte of Buenos Aires, Santiago de Liniers, who came under the decision of the "vicini". The historical Vicente Fidel López underlines that his previous lover of his was not other than General Beresford, capo of the first English invasion. She was born and suspected of her, who accompanied her for a large part of her life, her spying on her in favor of the English.


Secondo ci ractona Paul Groussac, while Liniers was advancing in testa alla sua colonna, on August 12, 1806, when raggiunsa Calle de San Nicolás -ora Corrientes Avenue- qualcuno gli lanciò ai piedi a fazzoletto richamato e fumato como omaggio al vincitore. . Liniers grabbed him with the tip of his sword, and when he responded to the salute with the raised fazzoletto, he could see the beautiful Anita and from that moment began a very hot rapport. I rapporti tra "Madama O'Gorman" e Liniers erano lo scandalo della città in quei giorni. Also, because she was 31 years old, she was not considered a signorina, since at the time she was a "signora" and she would be very discreet. The "virreina" informed her if she settled in Liniers' house and if she transferred with a short, and with the regret of the signore of Buenos Aires, she dressed in a military uniform and rode a horse.

Il soprannome di Perichona, obviously referred to his cognome, was associated at that time with María Michaela Villegas y Hurtado, an actress from Lima who, other than his great talent, became famous for his love with the viceroy of Peru, Don Manuel from Amat and Juniet, Cavaliere dell'Ordine di San Giovanni. The attack was in any offensive mode because it was derived from "bitch" and "chola". From his part of it, Liniers has preferred to call it “La Petaquita”.

Secondo un spia del goberno portoghese, la donna "può fare quello che vuole sul suo spirito" ed era il "canale dottabile per directare la volontà" del vicerée. Correva voce che, per mezzo suo de ella, si facessero ottimi affari, grazie al favore dell'ufficio; thing that was not a novice in the colony, but in that time that was travagliati and with the treasury esaurito if fece più evident.

The situation came to be complicated when Napoleon decided to impadronirsi della Spagna and introduced his brother José. La condizione francese sia di Liniers che di "Madama Perichón" li ha messi nel mirino degli attacchi. The rich Spanish merchant and capo of the Cabildo, Martín de Álzaga, saw the opportunity to liberate himself from the "French" arrive, and in October 1808 he issued an official letter from the Cabildo to the Supreme Central Council in which it was leggi: "Quella donna con Chi vive nel viceré maintains a friend who is scandalous against the popolo, who does not escape without short, who has the guard in the house by day and night, who impiega the group of services in the work of his tenuta di campagna, where trascorre i suoi giorni .Viceré, the communication does not insinuate the authorities, nor does it whisper in the grid of the people who have no power to troncare, that lady, insomniac, disrespected and criminal for all her circus, is the arbitrator of the government and the our destiny. Non c'è nulla, per quanto ingiusto possa essere, che non sia raggiunto e realizzato traverso di lui. The impegno and the denarius are very powerful agents with law. Per niente paurosi, e così si vedono showosità al commando, I messed up your d isordini transcendentali tra il popolo stesso, in cui i magistrati non possono amministrare la giustizia perché la loro condotta è scusata”.


The goccia che fece traboccare il vaso piuttosto piccolo nella timida società di Buenos Aires dell'epoca fu l'intenzione della figlia di Liniers di esposare il fratello minore di Anita, Juan Bautista Perichón. The vice-president, reporting to his passionate lover and enclosing himself to defend his "good name and honor" from her, accuses the lover of conspirators in search of her house, the fece will embark and expel her to Rio de Janeiro , but I will find the husband. Ormai la corte portoghese si era insediata dai suoi alleati britannici in Brasile, in fuga dall'invasione napoleonica, ed era al centro degli intrighi messi in atto dalla principessa Carlota Joaquina de Borbón, sorella del re Ferdinand VII e moglie del principe reggente di Portogallo. . We appreciate that Carlota aspired to govern the American colony as ruler while the "privilege" of her "royal brother" lasted, Napoleon's VIP prisoner in the French palace of Valençay.

In her house in Rio de Janeiro, Anita Perichón de O'Gorman has continued and her raduni, where she was found by various River Plate, British and Portuguese conspirators. The legend narrates that his new protector and lover of hers did not find another che Lord Strangford, the British representative davanti at the Portoghese court of Rio; come si dirà in tempi più recenti, one of the principali “operatori politici” dell'intero processo in corso in Sud America and, soprattutto, il più strenuo opponente dei piani della principessa Carlota di vedersi padrona della situazione. So, Doña Carlota decided that per "intrigare" sulle spiagge di Rio with her stessa was più che enough, and in 1809 she decided to spellere Doña Anita.

Presas, the secretary of Carlota, racconta nei suoi "Ricordi segreti" che in a prime momento la principessa gli chiese di fare un elenco de cospiratori in cui non poteva mancare Madame Perichón. He has seen pictures of Anita and has reported: “My sound format at the moment with details and the circus stage that the princess has rich; ma ho omesso di metterci inside her Périchon, perché non c'è niente di peggio per chi comincia a scrivere di lei in questioni simili. At the time of the reading of the cast SA, she has noticed that mancava il nome di quello che voleva essere near. "E perché," he said to her, "non c'è Périchon?" – Perché questa donna non si immischia in such affairs, and her situation is così unhappy oggi, che è più degno che VA R de ella abbia pietà di lei, piuttosto che acreare la sua afflizione de ella. - Ciao! –Risposed she-, sembra che tu sia una protettrice delle brave ragazze. –Signora, sono un uomo; But I spoke to him in vita, and if there is a brave ragazza on this occasion, he does not favor her, I do not dovrebbe nemmeno nuocerle, because I do not have a certain reason to proceed against the law, and soprattutto VA de ella potrà fare cosa le piace ”. Presas concludes: "It is not easy to spread hatred and disgust with whom the brutte lady guardano quelle belle, difetto da cui nemmeno le stesse principesse sono esenti".

Finally, Anita was deported and impounded by an English ship, but the Spanish authorities of Montevideo and Buenos Aires, guided by Vice President Cisneros, denied her permission to ship. Subito dopo la Rivoluzione di maggio, la Giunta decreed that "Madame O'Gorman may descend to earth on the condition that she does not establish herself in the center of the city, ma nella fattoria di La Matanza, where she avrebbe dovuto maintain circospezione and isolation". .


Lì, the frenetic intrattenitrice dei raduni of Buenos Aires and San Paolo has traversed the last trent'anni of her practically confined life. We notify him that he has received non-state generally incoraggianti, because his soggiorno to La Matanza has documented the executions of two people in the neighborhood: the former vice-president Santiago de Liniers, his ex-lover, and Camila O'Gorman, his nipote ed erede .del suo spirito ribelle. Anything from perilous troubles in a society where freedom is always a quality that these suspects and sanctions.

Compilation of testimonials and images:;;;

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