Anorgasmia – Cos'è e come treatla como accompagnatrice Published on 15/04/2022 by Carlos

Anorgasmia – Cos'è and how to cure it by doing the escort

Il anorgasmia The scientific term has been used to refer to the difficulty of raging orgasm when there is this sexual stimulation, or a significant reduction of the frequency or intensity of orgasms; il che fa sì che i rapporti sessuali non siano adeguatamente goduti.

This session condition can compare between 10 and 15% of accompaniment of Buenos Aires, che sono costretti a fare sesso senza provare un'explosione di piacere; Others are vulnerable to the creation of feelings and conflicts in personal relationships.

Cos'è l'anorgasmia?

Is called anorgasmia, or disturbance dell'orgasmo femminile (FOD), the persistent inability to prove orgasmo nonostante l'eccitazione sessuale. In some almost, this disturbance can mean that anyone can not get raggiungere orgasm or not have more than one.


The main symptom of this condition is the distressing impediment to raging orgasm by being sexually excited; ma you Short of the Federal Capital I will also present other disagi eat:

  • Diminution of the intensity of the climax
  • Ci vuole più tempo del solito to raggiungere an orgasm
  • Pain in the lower abdomen or in the pelvic region during the session.
Photo 1 Anorgasmia – Cos'è e come treatla como accompagnatrice

Fattori that produce anorgasmia

Also, it is rarely a single cause for anorgasmia, ci sono multi fattori che possonore impede qualcuno di raggiungere l'orgasmo en modo coerente o con un'intensità soddisfacente. Therefore, the best way to face this situation is to know how these agents are in mode, when they arrive that incontroverted sexual assault; not only have fun, but I will also increase the life of your pleasure Short North Zone.

Medical problems

Le malattie e le condizioni mediche possono influenzare in modo significanta la salute psychologicale e física; preventing me from verifying an orgasm. Some serious pathologies include: diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and surgical interventions or gynecological conditions.

psychological concern

Anxiety and stress are the main ostacoli to experience the necessary relaxation for the sexual release. Le diagnosi di salute mentale, come i disturbi dell'umore, possono influenzare la capacità di raggiungere l'orgasmo.

use of substances

An other fattore that can carry anorgasmia, è il consumo di alcol, sigarette o altre sostanze controllate; Because it may not interrupt the orgasm process through the neurological control or the blood flow from the genitals.


In the course of time, there are physiological changes that may not alter the capacity of a person to scorta da Belgrano raggiungere l'orgasmo in modo affidabile; if because of the anatomical and ormonal changes during pregnancy, childbirth and allattamento, if because of the reduction of estrogen lives during perimenopause and menopause. 

Photo 2 Anorgasmia – Cos'è e come treatla como accompagnatrice


The treatment for anorgasmia It varies according to the underlying cause and how long has this problem occurred; cioè, può essere mediato traverso a combination of primary cure and complementary treatments.

Physical Activity

A consistent fitness routine that emphasizes cardiovascular health can ease the blood flow to the genitals and increase the intensity and frequency of orgasm.

pelvic floor exercises

The strengthening of the pelvic floor, commonly referred to as "Kegel exercises", is one of the best practices for toning and muscle strengthening of the pelvic floor; that can influence the ability to try orgasm.

Sex education

A greater understanding of the anatomy and of the sexual practice can help your escort to scope and proper scheme of sexual risposta and, quindi, to migliorare the intensity of her orgasm.


meet her anorgasmia and its drift, it can be a point to your favor when you imbatti in a VIP escort chi soffre di questo disturbo; Not only will I be able to help her face this situation, but I can also easily guide her trust.

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