Anorgasmia – What is it and how to treat it as an escort Posted on 15/04/2022 By Carlos

Anorgasmia – What is it and how to treat it as an escort

La anorgasmia is the scientific term used to refer to the difficulty of reaching an orgasm after extensive sexual stimulation, or a significant reduction in the frequency or intensity of orgasms; which causes sexual intercourse not to be enjoyed properly.

This sexual condition can occur in between 10 and 15% of escorts from Buenos Aires, who are forced to have sex without feeling an explosion of pleasure; as well as being vulnerable to creating resentment and conflict in their personal relationships.

What is anorgasmia?

Is named anorgasmia, or female orgasmic disorder (FOD), the persistent inability to experience orgasm despite sexual arousal. In some cases, this disorder can mean that someone can no longer reach orgasm or has never experienced one.


The main symptom of this condition is the distressing impediment to reaching an orgasm despite being sexually aroused; but you escort from Capital Federal You can also present other discomforts such as:

  • Decrease in intensity of climax
  • Taking longer than usual to achieve an orgasm
  • Pain in the lower abdomen or pelvic region during sex.
Photo 1 Anorgasmia – What it is and how to treat it as an escort

Factors that produce anorgasmia

Although there is seldom a single cause for anorgasmia, there are many factors that can prevent someone from climaxing consistently or with a satisfying intensity. Therefore, the best way to deal with this situation is to know who those agents are so that, when that long-awaited sexual encounter arrives; not only enjoy it, you can also increase the level of pleasure of your North Zone escort.

Medical problems

Diseases and medical conditions can have a marked influence on psychological and physical health; preventing you from having an orgasm. Some of the more serious pathologies include: diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, and gynecological surgeries or conditions.

psychological concerns

Anxiety and stress are the main obstacles to experiencing the relaxation necessary for sexual release. Mental health diagnoses, such as mood disorders, can affect the ability to climax.

substance use

Another factor that can lead to anorgasmia, is the consumption of alcohol, cigarettes or other controlled substances; because they can interrupt the orgasm process through neurological imbalance or blood flow to the genitals.


Over time, physiological changes arise that can alter a person's ability to Belgrano escort to reliably reach orgasm; either due to anatomical and hormonal changes during pregnancy, childbirth and lactation, or due to the reduction in estrogen levels during perimenopause and menopause. 

Photo 2 Anorgasmia – What it is and how to treat it as an escort


Treatment for anorgasmia varies depending on the underlying cause and how long you've had this problem; that is, it can be mediated through a combination of primary care and complementary treatments.

Physical activity

A consistent fitness routine that emphasizes cardiovascular health can improve blood flow to the genitals and increase the intensity and frequency of orgasm.

Pelvic floor exercises

Pelvic floor strengthening, commonly called a “Kegel exercise,” is one of the best practices for toning weak pelvic floor muscles; that can affect the ability to experience orgasm.

Sex education

A better understanding of sexual anatomy and practices can help your escort discover her own sexual response patterns and therefore improve the intensity of her orgasms.


Knowing the anorgasmia and its derivations, can be a point in your favor when you come across a VIP escort who suffers from this disorder; Not only will you be able to help her deal with this situation, but you will also gain her trust easily.

If you want to continue learning more about everything related to Caballito escorts, you can continue reading on this blog: Tori Black y How to choose a good hotel.

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