Digital and personal security – Guide for independent accompagnators Published on 08/04/2021 by Carlos

Digital security and face to face – Guide for independent companions

What independent accompanying, digital security and face to face in our work depends exclusively on us.

Non avere il supporto di un'agenzia means assuming the full responsibility of protecting our image and integrity in the face of the clients; Other than to maintain any protocols of digital security and face to face To avoid falling into useless risky situations.

Il digital security and face to face Not if it's just about keeping some aspects of our identity offline; Or I turned on an allenamento di arti marziali to difenderti dai clienti aggressivei or da chiunque altro. It has bothered che fare with the consapevolezza che abbiamo della our exposizione a situazioni di rischio e quanto siamo disposti to permetterci di essere vulnerabili.

Therefore, there are some measures of protection of the base that all the independent escorts will not follow, at the end of guaranteeing their own digital and personal security. Quindi dai un'occhiata a este caste e scopri quale di loro devi ancora prendere.

Photo 1 Digital and personal security – Guidance for independent accompagnators

Measurement of digital safety and faccia to faccia necessary for washing as short independent

Prima di tutto, remember that your physical, emotional and mental health depends on how much you are attentive when you do your work. what a thing short matura, non avrai accesso alla pensione, al pensionamento o al congedo per malattia; Who will take care of you stesso and I will think about your future safety dovrebbe will be your highest priority.

Be buffer stock Non dovrebbe essere un lavoro più pericoloso per te di qualsiasi altro ti vena en mente, ma presenta alcuni problemi di sicurezza; Forse a few prominent più che in altri lavori più quotidiani. 

One is the greeting and the benefactor of your body, another is the security guard against the attacks of other clients; The latter provides for computer protection against exposure or identity disturbance.

Se lavori nel settore da un po', proabilmente sai cosa intendiamo. Ma se non l'hai ancora considerato o hai appena iniziato; who took note of questi suggestimenti to increase yours digital and personal security Eat independent escort.

digital security

When it comes to digital security, we cannot turn on the prevention alla legera. Many stalker, truffatori or traffickers can't transform a person's life into an incubus, I simply sell access to the social network.

Quindi, working as an independent escort, please verify the following provisions:

  1. Mai, mai, mischiare and your personal profiles with your labor information.
  2. Create a separate professional social media account to promote your identity as a cabin cutout, and do not contact the parrot process, we are not aware that it is not part of your job.
  3. Do not associate professional account with your personal phone number or, vice versa, personal account with professional number. This is a serious security bug; Therefore, it is enough to insert the telephone number or the e-mail in the search engine and you will have access to your identity, profiles and all sensitive personal information that is better to keep private.
  4. Assicurati di avere due linee telefoniche separate; one for i contacts di lavoro and one for your personal life.
  5. I will not give this personal number to potential clients, potential clients or partners of the vendor. Tenere separate le due vite è una mesaura di sicurezza standard.
  6. Don't talk about your private life when you retired, with clients or colleagues; This is a non-necessary display and can be used by raggiungere and your personal contacts very easily.
Photo 2 Digital and personal security – Guidance for independent accompagnators

When you contact us through WhatsApp, post or other mezzi

Be a client contact you through WhatsApp or e-mail; We will give you some suggestions of their details to those who dovresti will pay attention, to help you carry out possible pericoli:

Control your photo

part of digital security È che se non hai una foto del profilo o non riflette il tuo viso; Control her both in both her online duration and the connection time, assuring that there is at least one frequently used phone.

I do not always accept the cousin chiamata

Non fissare un appuntamento alla prima chiamata, è più sicuro che tu indici un orario en cui lo chiamarai per fissare l'appuntamento; Fatto ciò, lo richami prima di arrivare al luogo dell'appuntamento.

Guarda da dove ti chiamano

Check that you do not hide someone or suspect your identity; For chiamarti dal lavoro or da a telefono público where I can not get any kind of information. This was seen with a client; This is an alarm bell and potrebbe is sure that the person you are contacting is not fully trustworthy.

chase and your client

Ogni volta che puoi, cerca informazioni sui tuoi clienti su Internet; This will give you an idea, migliore, if it is safe or less, I will make an appuntamento. If something is insecure or I feel that something doesn't go with me, I followed your right and wrong.

Photo 3 Digital and personal security – Guidance for independent accompagnators

Personal safety measure for the short

As an independent escort, there is no advantage of an agency of having a guard that protects you when you do not encounter clients; But you can use other options to safeguard your physical integrity in your work:

  • Do not lasciare mai il portafoglio in a 'altra stanza, always have it with you, soprattutto il cellulare.
  • eat part say digital security, if there is a smartphone, download an application of simulated chiamata, and if you find yourself in a situation that may evolve negatively, use it in the best way to be able to part (If there is still nothing null with the client, please refund the money) .
  • When it's time to walk in the camera da letto, close to convincing him to gliersi and pants prime di spogliarti, that you aiuterà hai bisogno di uscire quickly.
  • Valuta if your client reagisce in aggressive or ubriaco mode, in such a case you may be sure to cancel the app. I gave it to him, he found a way to walk around, he would know all'uomo che sospetti di lui or you aspetti a conflict, that this could be the triggering factor of a brutta situazione.
  • Carry with you any type of protection, a pepper spray or whatever your risk to protect you is necessary.
  • Evita rischi inutili e non accettare di essere ammanettato, legato o bendato, esta te lescarà molto vulnerabile a qualsiasi cattiva intenzione.
  • Remember that you have control over it, do not allow any client to convince you to do anything that ritieni is not safe for you or to exceed your limits.


If you know of the best advice for the independent escort, visit our blog and you can read more safe session during social distancing where short reviews and perché a good raccomandazione è important.

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