Sesso safe during social distancing. Published on 14/04/2021 By God

Sesso safe during social distancing.

Say Alice Little per il Rivista ASN its style of life

Ciao tutti. Sono Alice Little, a legal prostitute and educator, sono qui per respondere la demanda più comune nella di todo: como posso fare sesso sicuro durante il distanziamento sociale? Good, many consigli to increase the security of the body and the sensuality of the body, it does not matter if you are in a relationship, single or even in self-isolation.

the premium security.

The number one request in everyone's mind in this moment is how to be safe during a pandemic. Fortunately, ci sono multi modi per farlo was willing to get creative and try something new. My cousin started learning how to manage my brain during social distancing, we dobbiamo talk about risk and responsibility.

Le migliori informazioni que abbiamo attumente su COVID-19 sono che non è sure trovarsi a menos de due metri da un'altra persona. If you lived with your partner or your partner, could I decide to continue having a session with a parrot, but will I stay in self-isolation during this strange and historic period? Keep in mind that if you do not practice social distancing, you are at risk because of the virus. Even with masks, condoms and other barriers to interaction, the virus is malignant. Gli scienziati have found persistent tracce of the coronavirus that lasts from a few days to a few days (1), a second from the environment and from the type of surface. Ciò means that I share and mobile potrebbe also means I share the coronavirus. Who impegnarsi in any form of person's sense exposes you to a piccolo risk of countering the virus.

If you are a trader or there are other tipi of open relationships with one of a partner, dovrai register you for a turn. Più widen è la tua cerchia, maggiore è il rischio di contrarre il coronavirus, anche se se tutti practicano il distanziamento sociale, il rischio è anora relatively low. Decide how to proceed based on your medical history, tolerance of risk and feedback from your partner.

The sad news is that currently there is no infallible way to guarantee that the person's body and the contact skin by skin are safe, this is the last cattive news. La buona notizia è che le opzioni divertenti per il sesso appartato abbondano.

Create intimate sessuale during the pandemic.

If you don't live with your partner and I'm afraid to separate you in this moment, this is your opportunity to try some new and creative sexual options, consider that your natural talents first decide what is right for you. If I am a lettore accanito you might be piacere il sexting, if I am a lampeggiatore dell'armadio potresti try a fare sesso davanti alla telecamera.

How to initiate fare sexting.

If there is no opportunity for me to find an expert of sexter, now there is the possibility of being able to do it. Chiedi al tuo partner se sono de acordo con i messaggi espliciti e poi sfoga tutte quelle energie sessuali represse che ti hanno appesantito. If you feel nervous or upset, it's fine, I can't help but know what kind of sessual messages you can send or receive a test. Rileggi i tuoi capitoli di sesso preferiti nei libri, per varere le sfumature e le descrizioni che ti pacciono, se ami la sessualità aperta e diretta potresti voler andare dritto a la punto, se preferisci le scene de sesso metaphoriche e little appariscenti della literatura classica, esto It's also an option, give suggestions to your partner so that you don't accidentally scorage in the process. The thing is important: turn on your time, if your work and your program consent to it, dedicate the intera giornata in modo che nessuno sia sotto pressione e ogni testo sia intentamente pensato.

How to try the session in video.

Now it's the perfect occasion to turn on the camcorder, select a webcam configuration that you can trust. If I don't have one, some are available on Amazon at a good market, even for less than $20. All in all, it may be worth buying anything with a better quality video, so it will be used mainly for scopi shoots. scopi. Assicurati anche di avere a microphone, poiché il suono è un component chiave dell'intera experiencia. Quindi, when there is all the time to explore, insieme the session in cam, make an appuntamento.

Some people if they feel shocked when facing the camera or are just shy, their feelings may not increase during the video session. Whatever your face, I will not enter into "performance modality", in which your attention is focused on your attempt to be sexy instead of trying to connect. When I recited, I'm not experimenting, and this is less sexy for the person around me. Turn around it is useful to mention that you felt nervous as well as your partner might be nervous. But at least not avrai the pressure aggiuntiva di cercare di non comportarti in modo nervoso entre chi di goderti il ​​sesso video.

Don't worry about creating the perfect ripping angle to appear sexy on the scene, imaginatively imagined as an esibizionista who is finally making his debut, take some time first of the appuntamento for fare ciò che è necessary to enter nell 'umore giusto. Accendi candlele, leggi qualcosa di erotico, drank a bichchiere di champagne or put on a little dress that makes you feel very sexy.

When I will see the moment again, I will not feel like someone else. If you felt discouraged to speak in a dark way of your own, simply describe what you are trying or tell your partner what is fantastic about fargli in his assemblage of him. One of you will slowly spread out and I will show the other a detailed masturbation session.

Prova i giocattoli sessions insieme.

Infine, if there is no economic possibility, there is no migliore moment to invest in the teledildonica (2). I use teledildonic sex toys technology to transmit sensations between two sex toys. Può far sombrare il sesso that we are doing in città (or in campagna!), practically real. If it's single, some of the giocattoli can't be synchronized with porn for an incredible solo experience.

Suggestions for Conscious Masturbation During the Pandemic

Chi non ha un potrebbe partner aver bisogno di qualcosa en più durante il distanziamento sociale. L'isolamento è duro, I will pass the time to try new techniques of masturbation or find a connection è vitale per la tua salute mentale.

If you felt lonely, contact any webcam artist (ad esempio ragazze in cam) online. I bordelli sono chiusi per hora, ma ciò non significa che non puoi sustenarere altre prostitute nel frattempo! The artists of the webcam are fantastic and will create a fun and personalized experience for you.

Oppure prova ad andare avanti durante la masturbazione. The limit is when you reach the limit of your orgasm and take a short pause. Not only can it help to improve the control, but it can also improve the quality!

And infinity, piacere nella cura di sé sessuale. Try different forms of porn, like audio or erotic porn, whatever you find interesting and there is no proof yet. Don't tell me to take care of your pelvic floor, a soda pelvic floor can ease your sexual health and increase the intensity of your orgasms. Regardless of your gender identity, all Kegel exercises are good! Try sensual stretching or automassage and alternate the rhythm and contact tipi that you use during masturbation. Finally there is time to stop anything from new your stesso, who can use it to your advantage.

Visit for all articles of her sexual labor, sexual education and for scoprire because I am the number one legal prostitute in America. Please contact me directly to save a bit of my time your [email protected].


1. “New coronavirus stabilizes on surface area”

2. "Three innovations in the sexual technology for the person with the penis"

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Comments (1)

carla mila

3 years ago

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