How will I prevent your WhatsApp from being cloned – Scopri how to avoid it Published on 09/10/2021 by Carlos

How to prevent me from cloning your WhatsApp – Scopri how to avoid it

Said how will I prevent myself from cloning your WhatsApp? Dovresti sapere che indagare sulla privacidad de un'altra persona sin il suo consenso de ella no va bene; Tuttavia, le persone malintenzionate possono eseguilo. One of the methods that can spread the last year is through the cloning of the WhatsApp of the victim.

It is relatively easy to find a web page or applications that allow you to clone the WhatsApp of a person. Normally these actions are compiute to harm the victim's image, or to compiere truffa reati. Tuttavia, questi programmi possono rivoltarsi contro l'utente.

Subsequently, we will talk about the modi più comunique in cui gli gli WhatsApp account we come clonati e spiegheremo how to avoid being the victim of this negligence.

How does the cloning of WhatsApp work?

Esistono du modi comuni per tracciare o clonare un account WhatsApp; Il primo è duplicate l'app su un altro dispositivo; This method generally involves various apps and programs of the third party that can be specified by the content of giving a cell phone to someone else, using the Internet as soon as possible.

However, this method is rarely used because of its reliability, so many of these applications are granted no authorization to access certain applications inside the cell phone, and at this time the use of this application may be denied.

To follow this method, it is necessary for the hacker to have access to the phone with original WhatsApp for a few minutes; In the contrary case, we will not be able to authorize and allow the necessary applications, we will not be able to clone the WhatsApp of the victim.

Photo 1 Come prevent your WhatsApp from coming cloned – Scopri come avoid it

It is possible to clone WhatsApp

The second way to clone a WhatsApp account is to change the SIM. For the implementation of such procedure, the perpetrator must have access to the victim's telephone operator; That this self may be involuntary, making cadere gli operatori telefonici in a truffle and inadvertently collaborating with the criminal.

The procedure consists of disactivating the victim's SIM card and reactivating it with a new SIM chip that is found in the author's hand.

I sell the control of the victim's phone number, it is easy to access your WhatsApp account, since it is enough to scare the application on your smartphone to send messages from the victim's WhatsApp; Pretending tale and compiendo azioni dannose o criminali.

How to prevent the parrot from cloning your WhatsApp

Per prima cosa devi assicurarti che il tuo WhatsApp sia protetto dall'accesso di terze parti. For this, it is necessary to activate the authentication in due passaggi; In this way, if someone tries to clone your WhatsApp, you will receive an access notification, which will indicate that there is an attempt to access your account on another device.

To activate this function, you must go to the settings of WhatsApp and select the option "Account> Verify in 6 passwords> Active"; In this way, you must establish a 123-encrypted password that only you will know, this password will allow you to protect your account. As raccomandazione generale, dovresti evitare i numeri in sequence (XNUMX) or le date di compleanno; Perché queste sono in genera the prime password provada dagli aggressori e l'idea non è quella di rendere makes it easy for criminals.

One of the other options available to protect your WhatsApp account is to install applications that set the password to allow access to other applications. In the Google Play Store there are various options. The main part of this app works in this way, the app is selected in a "safe card"; where, even if someone knows the password of your cell phone, they will communicate the password of the application that protects WhatsApp.

Thing will be your WhatsApp is cloned

WhatsApp does not allow access to the various devices with this account; When this connection comes, WhatsApp disconnects the first connection and gives access to the second connection; This will help you determine when your account is cloned.

In such a case, the app will display a message indicating that it is not possible to verify the phone you are using; If another phone number is connected to another mobile device.

However, WhatsApp Web is used, so I can keep various computer connections at the same time. To know how to prevent the cloning of your WhatsApp and solve this problem, you can access WhatsApp from your cell phone, go to menu > Collaborative Devices > Scegli sessione > Esci. This will stop all the sessions open on the selected device; puoi anche scegliere di chiudere tutte le sessioni aperte.

Photo 2 Come prevent your WhatsApp from coming cloned – Scopri come avoid it

SIM change

If you are absolutely sure that your number has been exchanged with another SIM, dovresti chiamare your telephone operator and signal your telephone number for robbery or theft; In this way chi ha il chip con il suo numero clonato non potrà farci niente.

The next step that devi compiere will completely disable your WhatsApp account; For this it is necessary to send an email to [email protected], dove l'oggetto dell'e-mail dovrebbe essere: Smarrito/rubato: Disattiva il mio account.

The message that must accompany this email must report your phone number according to the international standard (Example: +54-9-11-0000-0000) and can briefly inform you of the situation that you are having to cancel your account. After a ragionevole time, the account connected to the phone number will be disabled.

If there is a backup on your cell phone or in the cloud, you can recover your conversations. L'account può essere riattivato dopo 30 giorni; After this time, the account will be definitively eliminated.


It is always good to have the phone in sight, it is not possible to give it to strangers to manage it; It should not be left in plain sight, the telephone is an instrument for personal use that should always be with you.

Ora che sai come eviré che il tuo WhatsApp venge clonato, metti en pratica questi consigli y tieni il cellulare semper vicino a te. We consigliamo di leggere più argumenti sul our blog, che potrebbero esserti utili; eat: financial domain o Digital security and face to face.

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