Miti sul sesso anale – Scopri la verità dietro questo argomento Published on 04/08/2023 by Carlos

Miti sul sesso anale – Scopri la verità dietro questo argomento

Una delle pratiche sessuali che da generazioni è circondata da miti e tabù è senza dubbio il sesso anale. Tuttavia, always with the person who will explore new forms of dreams and discover that the next session may be a very soddisfacent experience that is very consapevolmente and senza misteri.

Once we have seen in this article we will find out about the miti più comuni sul sesso anale, we will want to find out the truth and we will offer you some tips on how to practice affinché tu possa godertelo al masimo con il tuo partner. argentinian short.

Miti, verità e consigli sul sesso anale

The anal session is painful

We came there first thing! All that guards the sesso that comes fatto for the first volta may cause disagio; Quindi, in fact, the anal session is a very fastidious and persino painful thing that is in a very erratic way, but this does not mean that it must always be something.

This is one of the biggest moments in the last session. The way to avoid pain is to turn on at your own time, use plenty of lubricant and maintain communication during contact with the woman. Compagno di Recoleta To ensure that you feel at your last start alla fine.

Photo 1 Miti sul sesso anale – Scopri la verità dietro questo argomento

It is best practiced by omosessuali

Completely false! Poiché l'orientamento sessuale non è determinato delle pratiche sessuali che una persona sceglie di compiere.

L'importante è che tutti i soggetti coinvolti siano d'accordo e lo facciano in moda sicuro e consensuale. It is important to keep in mind that care and preparation are necessary to avoid injuries and injuries that are transmitted sexually. Altrimenti: the anal session is very inclusive!

It's a sporca practice

Questi miti sul sesso anale sono falsi. Il sesso anale should not be sporco or antigienico. We must first (and also do) touch the retro door and it is necessary to polish it as this will prevent it from becoming infected by any type of infection. However, if you increase the use of protection, you will absolutely avoid directing it into the vagina so that it does not penetrate the anus.

It is not possible to have an anal orgasm

Do you know the course of sex and anatomy? Ebbene yes, certainly it is possible to have an anal orgasm; Poiché l'ano and la zona circostante contain no diverse terminations nervose that can be stimulated to produce sensations piacevoli and persino orgasmi.

The gift is not fun

Another myth in the last session of the story. Come on first, the anal session is so inclusive that, infatti, if you have one that can be used all this way.

Ecco perché è important that when you have sex with puttana della Capital Federal, Stimola altre zone erogene come il clitoride o la vagina con l'uso di un sex toy o delle dita e vedrai tutto il delirio e il piacere che provocherai.

Transmission of infections

Finché comes in practice protecting and maintaining adequate hygiene in the area, without accidents. Quindi yes or yes, use the condom!

Photo 2 Miti sul sesso anale – Scopri la verità dietro questo argomento

Causes hemorrhoids

In general, hemorrhages may be caused by a variety of fats such as excessive effort during intestinal movements, chronic costs, pregnancy and injury.

Therefore, during l'incontro sessuale with il Compagno della Zona Nord It is necessary to insure that this injury does not occur, that the analyte does not cause hemorrhages, but that the pre-existing condition may be compromised.


Dimentica and miti sul sesso anale! No devi essere un dio o una dea a letto per experimentlo; Only turn on any precautions to keep them safe, comfortable and dissipate your desire to explore new territories.

Here I was and there was a delightful encounter with yours VIP Accompanist Belgrano! A world of entertainment and pleasure you look forward to!

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