Miti sul sesso orale – Vi sveliamo quelli più comuni Published on 08/11/2023 by Carlos

Miti sul sesso orale – Vi sveliamo quelli più comuni

Benvenuti in this article sui miti e le verità più comuni sul sesso orale! Be one of those people who, if it is more interesting, are the ones who feel their way of doing it, whether it is true or not, in the correct position.

We will lie to some metropolitan legend that we certainly knew very well and we will confirm that it is true; Once you have read, read and prepared everything you need to know, you will learn a delicious oral session.

Let's start!

Miti e verità sul sesso orale con un'escort

First of all, it is important to remember that the knowledge of the oral session is a way to increase the excitement and the sexual performance, if it is part of the preliminary with your partner. argentinian short or eat a way to raggiungere l'orgasmo. Please tighten your mind and pay attention to what follows:

Photo 1 Miti sul sesso orale – Vi sveliamo quelli più comuni


The oral session is sporco

Tra i miti sul sesso orale, questo è uno dei più comuni. The idea at the base of this myth is that the mouth is an area that contains the batteries, which should not be used to stimulate the genitals.

Tuttavia questo non è del tutto vero. Yes, the mouth contains batteries, but most of them are harmless and will not cause any problems. Inoltre, molti dei accompagnatori da Belgrano I do not maintain good oral hygiene, but there is no reason for concern.

It is not necessary to use the protection

Error: obviously there is no bisogno! Poiché il sesso orale always carries the risk of contrarre sexually transmitted diseases (MST) such as herpes, gonorrhea or HIV.

Therefore, it is important to take precautions. In the case of companions, it is best to use the Fellatio with preferably aromatized preservatives; Among the clients, they are also available and lingual preservatives are available.

Security is the first time!

I will bite

Fermati lì! We have uploaded our life to this myth in its oral session. Even if you see that the penis is not a piece of steak, any sexy male image can generate a davvero piacevole effect.

Only agli uomini piace il sesso orale

Wow, that sessista myth is this: if you believe that the penis is very sensitive to the vulva, then you don't feel so much piacere dal sesso orale.

Imposter! Who we showed in molte occasioni come puttane della Capital Federal A loro piace il sesso orale as much as gli uomini, e alcuni addirittura preferiscono questa forma di stimolazione ad altri.

Inoltre, stimolare il clitoride può produrre orgasmi very intensi, quindi fai attenzione e scendi nel pozzo dei desideri tutte le volte che ti provocate!

Il sesso orale provokes pregnancy

Another oral myth, completely false! Gli ovuli Short North Zone If you find the sound of the mouth, the precum and the eiaculation will not be able to achieve this objective.

Photo 2 Miti sul sesso orale – Vi sveliamo quelli più comuni


Il sesso orale può essere moto piacevole

Many people appreciate the sensation of the mouth, the language and the work of their genitals and that this is a very effective way to increase the excitement and the sexual performance. Inoltre, attraverso il sesso orale, entrembi Puerto Madero puttana As the client can experience orgasm in exquisite mode.

Your diet does not taste like your liquid

This is not a myth in oral sessions, some studies support the consumption of alcohol, coffee, food, and piccanti; Come il tabacco, conferiscono a particular flavor allo sperma. In the case of the escort, the taste does not depend on the diet, but it does not change the hormonal background, other than the use of vaginal lavage.

Per contrastare quei sapori che in alcuni almost sono difficili da tollerare; Well, easy: drink plenty of water and consume agrumi.


Quindi, now that you are interested in trying the oral session, tell me that I thought I would learn and have fun!

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