Testicoli – An unexplored area with great potential for discovery Published on 08/07/2023 by Carlos

Testicoli – An unexplored area with great potential for discovery

Sicuramente vuoi conoscere tutti i segreti per far delirare di piacere i tuoi clients, ecco perché oggi ti sveleremo una chica: la stimolazione dei testicoli. There is probably a sense to talk about this argument, but what do you think is the stimulation of testicolare and perché è così gratifying for some people?

In this article we will explain and detail how to stimulate the erogenous zone in this area and what benefits it provides. Quindi remanete tuned argentinian short In such a way that you know in detail how we can dissipate your clients with this technique.

What is testicular stimulation?

It is a sensual technique that can be incredibly piacevole and soddisfacente. Unlike penile stimulation, which concentrates on the shaft of the penis, testicular stimulation concentrates on the genital area and on the circumferential skin (scrotal sac).

In practice, it was fun and fun to do Short North Zone I can use it to stimulate and testicles. In general, anything that can be done gently and slowly, operated quickly and vigorously, directly or indirectly. It may include stimulation of other parts of the body, such as the penis, the perineum or the anus.

Photo 1 Testicoli – An unexplored area with a great potential of piacere

What are the benefits of testicular stimulation?

Testicular stimulation is extremely beneficial in terms of sessions, but also provides a series of benefits for health; tra i quali abbiamo:

  1. Increased libido and sexual stimulation: it is necessary to use the testosterone release, which will lead to a very intense and unpleasant experience.
  2. Improving blood circulation in the genital area: in this way not only can it help prevent erectile dysfunction; Inoltre, riesce a provocae erezioni più potenti. Increasing the blood flow, the volume that ricochets the penis if it grows larger, rendering it bigger, harder and harder.
  3. Raffór i muscoli del pamento pelvico: aiuta aiuta a ottimizzare les pressuali e aprevente problems como l'incontinenza urinary.
  4. It increases the number of spermatozoa and produces superior quality.

How do I stimolare and testicoli from your client?

Say per se, it's a highly personalized experience for you. Compagno Belgrano We can personalize and incontrive you to satisfy the needs and particular wishes of your client. Feel free to explore!


The use of the mouth is not limited only to the fellatio penieno, but is also in degree to provoke sensations extremely piacevoli in an area like the testicles.

Se è la prima volta, inizia ad accarezzare delicately and slowly il suo penis, while sfreghi la bursa scrotale con la lingua. Pass it on the median strip (demarcation line), so that thanks to its great sensitivity you will see delirium of piacere.

Oppure, if you felt più sicuro, pratica il “tea bags” inserendo uno dei suoi testicoli in bocca (hardly if possono avere entrambi interior) ed eseguire una piccola suzione e contemporanemente fargli ricche carezze con la lingua, variandone l'intensità ed i movimenti (circolare, su/giù).


Proprio come in orale, come Short of the Federal Capital, we invite you to use your mani with grace and delicateness. You can start with the current water technique, which is not other than a light massage with the movement moving like onde. Quindi, apply a little pressure and finish by pressing or clicking with the finger on the medial root.

With giocattoli erotici

With the loro you will experience extra eccitanti sensations. The most popular ones are the vibrating rings for the penis, the prostate stimulators and the vibrating palline.

Photo 2 Testicoli – An unexplored area with a great potential of piacere

Extra suggestions

  • Use lubricant generously
  • I will combine oral stimulation with manual stimulation, covering the entire surface
  • Please pay attention to the rhythm and pressure so as not to cause damage to the testicles.


In short, testicular stimulation is an extremely rewarding sexual strategy and its sole benefit. Quindi, if you are always rich as someone who is focused Caballito VIP Escort, we invite you to practice it.

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