Natural Aphrodisiaci – Food to improve your uncontroversial Published on 04/09/2023 by Carlos

Natural Aphrodisiaci – Food to improve your uncontroversial

Benvenuti nell'appassionato mondo degli aphrodisiaci! Sei sei uno de quelli che near un piccola spinta per increase la libido e le prestizioni sessuali, sei nel posto justo.

In this article we will explore the aphrodisiaci that can be used to access the scintilla in your sessual life. How to prepare for a delicious experience with your child argentinian shortand that the party has just started!

I 8 greatest natural aphrodisiacs for libido and sexual performance


These fish are known to be one of the most famous natural aphrodisiacs. Non c'è da stupirsi, poiché contengono alti livelli di zinco, essenziale per la produzione di testosterone e per l'increase del desiderio sessuale negli uomini e nelle donne.

Inoltre, its consistency and delicate taste can be a perfect complement for a romantic dinner with your loved ones. Accompagnatrice della Recoleta.

Photo 1 Natural Afrodisiaci – Food to improve your incontro


If you do not ask, do not worry, it will also help to improve your daily life. Thanks to its high content of phenylethylamine, a chemical compound that is released in the cervello during the birth, the cioccolato gives a sensation of euphoria and congratulations. 


Another delicious option is the honey. This natural dolcificante contains boron, a mineral that regulates the growth of estrogen and testosterone in the body and increases libido. The honey is noted to be a natural energizer, very useful to obtain excellent results. puttane del Zona Nord.


If you prefer a warm drink to drink it sensibly, the coffee is your best drink. Using rich coffee will stimulate the nervous system and increase energy and resistance during the session. It also improves blood flow and circulation, increasing sensitivity.

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If you are surrounding some of the most exotic, it is a good option. This fruit contains high levels of antioxidants and ellagic acid, a compound that improves blood circulation, increasing sensitivity and enthusiasm for encountering your partner. scorta da Belgrano.


It contains high levels of arginine, an amino acid that helps dilate blood flow and reduce blood flow to the genitals. Inoltre, sono richi de acidi grassi omega-3, which promote cardiovascular health.


It contains more vitamin C and rich antioxidants and fiber. This state also shows that the production of nitric acid is increased by part of the organism, which helps to improve its effective function.

Photo 2 Natural Afrodisiaci – Food to improve your incontro


Finally, we abbiamo maca, an Andean superfood used in dried fruits as an aphrodisiac for the highest levels of essential nutrients, such as vitamins B, C and E, and minerals such as calcium and zinc, which make it a natural adattogene that reduces stress and Massimize energy and resistance during the round with your child Compagno della capitale federale.

Curiosity of aphrodisiacs in history

Gli aphrodisiaci were stati oggetto di fascino e mistero nel corso della storia; Many cultures have been used to improve the performance of the beds.

Gli antichi greci, infatti, credevano che alcuni alimenti simili agli organi sessuali, come the ostriche, fossero and migliori afrodisiaci. Mentre gli giziani utilizzavano cannella e honeyle in grandi quantità; Parrot's part, I think we use ginseng radice and aglio to increase libido.

In the frattempo, during the Middle Ages, if I thought that food came from the giusquiamo and the mandragora fossero aphrodisiache e venivano only used in the pozioni d'amore to attract a person.

Inoltre, during the Rinascimento, the cioccolato and the coffee guadagnarono terrain as potenti aphrodisiaci, in contrast to the Victorian era, which credeva nei grandi poteri aphrodisiaci del perfume.


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