Clients alle prime armi con accompagnatori – Come treat a client the first time Published on 22/09/2021 by Carlos

Nuovi clients con compagnatori – How will I treat a client for the first time?

Che tu sia nuovo o esperto nel sittore, ci saranno semper persone che sono nuovi clienti con compagnatori e che daranno all'incontro un connotazione speciale; Because of the aspectative di coloro che contrattano i tuoi servizi, dei loro possibili nervi, della loro ignoranza di ciò che può o non può essere fatto.

What short CABA devi essere pronto ad aprire tu mente per educare gli inesperti, per così dire; non referirsi a person vergine (anche se forse può capitare); I will treat the new client in such a way that he suits your conditions, and your limit is that he should prepare himself for a soddissatisfied appuntamento with tea.

Be VIP escort Richiede molto tatto, pazienza e saper legrere le persone, perché only così puoi I will maintain a solid standard. Not if it deals only with your body or your aspect; also come comunichi and comprendi l'altro. I will sow complications, but don't worry, in this article we will provide a series of tips that you can use in your daily work.

Sew that I will consider with your new clients with the escort

As a professional, it is opportune for your garment to be a serious client; Who is important to have a good conversation with the person at the time who contacts the agency, or directly in your case if you are an independent escort. If I ask, I will notice how much follows:

telephone conversations

I'll talk on the phone, it's ideal, because I'll be able to meet firsthand and like, the choice and richness of the client all the way; I can also guide you through the tone of his voice, if it is a person who knows or is, on the contrary, who is timore or dubbio riguardo to the services that are offered.

Many will communicate only through digital messaging, but this can create confusion; quindi l'opzione migliore will always use the traditional telephony.

Photo 1 Clients alle prime armi con accompagnatori – Come treat a client the first time

fissare i limiti

if you are a argentinian short che non pratichi certe pratiche sessuali, dovresti chiarirlo fin dal primo momento. It is normal for my new clients with the escort I think that the ragazza will do everything and no rimproveri, only because they are not paying an appuntamento.

Hai tutto il diritto di annullare un incontrol si el cliente no rispetta i tuoi servizi o non rispetta i tuoi parametri, no tanstante tu li abbia graciously stabiliti. Fatti will feel and go to the appuntamento knowing that I have shared all the necessary information that you do and do not accept.

Ispira fiducia ai tuoi new clients with the escort

Il modo migliore per raggiungere questo obiettivo è demostrare che i tuoi servizi vanno molto oltre un semplice incontro sessuale. In general and new clients with accompagnatori possono essere nervosi, a piacevole chiacchierata può portare a appianare la situazione per entrambi.

The trust, on the other hand, will fundamentally support the person if he feels his interest and possibly has a regular customer; This is valid, regardless of the fact that your client is male or female.

Your presence can also intimidate the highest leader of the country, but this can be exceeded by inspiring trust; e soprattutto essere se stessi.

Another important point is that, in general, new clients with escorts are very aware of privacy and discretion; Who is part of your work, I will keep safe and undisturbed, because the client will not worry about nullity and will be able to concentrate if only his tea.

hygiene and presentation

Even if you can sow an obvious point, remember that as a new client if you have a lot of tea; If I advise you to apply the necessary igieniche measure, prime and dopo the meeting.

Use your best perfume, seduce your client with the softness and polish of your skin; Cera tutto ciò che deve essere cerato, mantieni il respiro fresco e ti assicuriamo che questa persona vorrà ripetere di nuovo l'experienza con te.

If there is no special agreement on the use of a specific wardrobe, surprise your new client with a nice lingerie. I keep in mind that the person is going to say that he sows fantastic; I will make a good impression on your new client, especially if he is the first parrot with a short matura.

use bene il tempo

Ci sono possibilità che i clienti ale primeme armi con accompagnatori finiscano mucho primera del anticipado, the craving in an uncontrollable cousin could far if the person had an orgasm and had a sacco di tempo; If you have an accident, you will be empathetic and face other things like a massage or talk while drinking any drink, ad esempio.

The important thing is that the person does not feel pregnant for this situation and that it is forbidden to be capisci that is successful as normal; Infatti, potrebbe essere la excuse perfecteta per repeate un altro apuntamento nel futuro futuro, para concluding to the meglio quanto iniziato.

Photo 2 Clients alle prime armi con accompagnatori – Come treat a client the first time

Kindly accept and gift

It may happen that the client voglia avere with you a detail that was not included in the denomination paid for the prenotation, purché it face with rispetto, he can accept it and be grateful.

Recipiente mance o complimenti per il tuo corpo non è male, purché tu ti senta a tuo agio, quindi l'ideale è capire the intention of the new client and use it in a positive way, to create fiducia tra voi due.

Keep in mind that a client may be able to cut or ring for your services, the important thing is that you do not confuse the sew; Poiché sviluppare sentiments or fine emotions all'innamoramento sarebbe catastrofico per la tua professione.


your profession eats ragazza di scorta It implies knowing how to deal with new clients with companions and people of ogni genere, knowing how to channel the richest and stable parrot and its own limits; Ciò consentirà al tuo lavoro di essere più bearabile, poiché sarai più planificato e saprai, soprattutto, como trattare un cliente la prima volta.

If I will continue ad unparare, we advise you to continue to read this blog argument as non fare thing like escort and also the digital security and face to face, which serves as the definitive guide for the independent escort.

Comments (1)


1 year ago

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