Parole security: use the traffic light system with your companions Published on 13/02/2023 For the love of God

Parole security: use the traffic light system with your companions

Ti sei mai trovato in una di quelle situazioni sessuali imbarazzanti in cui non sei sicuro di fare the right thing? Le parole secure ci aiutano a will communicate quickly with us scorta from Buenos Aires se ciò che sentiamo è piacevole oppure no, and vice versa.

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Have parole if you consent to continue the problem or interrupt a situation that does not occur to you. Continue with now and find out what the safeword is and how to use it.

What is safeword?

The parole sicure is a parole in code that may be used at any moment during a sexual encounter. Sono spesso usati in situazioni sessuali perverse. This is a simple and fast way to know if your partner is having fun or not.

Photo 1 Parole sicure: use the traffic light system with the accompagnatori

The traffic light system uses three safe passages:

  • Green: means "mi sto divertendo" or "mi va bene, continue." Ascoltare Verde It's a sign that he's doing the right thing.
  • Arancione: means "stop", "my sto avvicinando a limit" or "dobbiamo modificatione qualcosa". Orange Ciò does not mean to interrupt the session activity, requiring only a pause or a change of activity.
  • Rosso: means “enough!” If used red, qualsiasi attività in corso in quel momento dovrà essere interrupted.

If it is not strictly necessary to use the name of the color of the traffic light, the attempt to make the example so that it is reported is what gives an idea of ​​how the safeword system works. L'ideale è che parole siano prebilite e brevi, così da poter parlare di meno e fare di più.

How will I use the password?

The first rule of the safe word is that every color that sounds like coins in each session must be learned and agreed with what it means. A Short of the Federal Capital Metterà alla prova le parole di volta in volta una volta iniziata l'azione.

It is important to communicate in an assertive manner, ascolti “orange"Please do follow-up to stabilize things if you wish:"Dovremmo try qualcos'altro? Or is it just a po' più piano?"

Naturally, it felt "red"Tutte le azioni dovrebbero fermarsi in quel momento e assicurarsi di sapre something has caused the dispiacere prima di continuae. Per non arrivare”red"it is important to use it"Verde"E"orange” constantly and correctly.

Please check if there is a switch that will access the floor and open the spiacevoli sensations. All this way, it is important to remember that everyone involved in the relationship can use safe parole when it is received at the right time.

It is comfortable?

I am someone who thinks I will use safe parole during the session and it will be embarrassing. Tuttavia, even if it is true, it was used because it planted a little grass at the beginning, the fosse was sewn shorta di cavalli I used it correctly, at the time of its normal use.

Photo 2 Parole sicure: use the traffic light system with the accompagnatori


The best thing about the safe parole is that you arrive at the point. Interrupt the session to have a long conversation and your thing is too short because it is dangerous, I will use a silent speech and it will be faster.

What scorta da BelgranoOnce you have heard and chiaris quali sono le tue parole sicure per i tuoi appuntamenti, ti permetterà di entere en empatia con loro e concentrati su ciò che dovresti fare.

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