Lubricants sessions – Lubricants tip and when to use it Published on 21/08/2023 by Carlos

Lubricants sessions – Lubricants tip and when to use it

Spesso sottovalutati and trascurati, i lubricati sessuali possono essere un'ottima aggiunta per migliorare l'esperienza sessuale in molti modi. And this is all healthy, very good! escort argentina!

First of all, it is important to remember that the lubrication sessions are properly designed to rid the area in the intimate zone during the session and render the penetration very comfortable and comfortable.

Possono essere utilizzati sia da uomini che da donne, e sono moto utili per altri tipi di stimolazione sessuale; come masturbation, anal sex and penetration with sexual sex.

We will tell you what are the different types of lubrication sessions and how you can incorporate them into your future incontri with your partner. scorta da Puerto Madero.

Lubricating Tipi and in quality almost useable


These do not contain flavours, aromas or aggressive colours, which are an optimal option for those with sensitive skin or allergies. It does not cause irritation or allergic reactions and is not compatible with any sex toy or preservative.


Sono sicuri sia per i giocattoli sessuali che per i preservativi. Inoltre, non lasciano macchie your vestiti or lenzuola. Also be aware of any person who suffers from allergies or skin sensitivity.

Photo 1 Lubricants sessions – Tipi di lubrificanti and when to use it

Say silicon

Sessual silicone lubricants are the best options for a long-lasting product; Which are ideal for the water session and also for the anal session. Thanks to its dense consistency, it offers great comfort and lubrication. However, use with sex toy in silicone or condom in lattice is not recommended.

Say petrol

If it is designed to be very thick and resistant, it is ideal for the next session. However, oil-based lubricants should not be used with preservatives, which may cause breakage; Possono also macchiare the biancheria da letto.

Say sapori

It is formulated with safe ingredients for human consumption and will taste and aroma if obtained by adding a wide variety of artificial or natural aromas; eat fragola, cioccolato, vaniglia, mint, pina colada, tra gli altri. These options are particularly useful for increasing excitement and entertainment with your child. VIP Accompaniment of Buenos Aires.


These session lubricants have the ability to increase sensitivity and stimulation during session rapport. This is only formulated with specific ingredients, such as L-arginine, an amino acid that increases blood flow in the genital area, contributing to improving sexual response.

The ultra-sensitive lubricant may contain many ingredients that help moisturize and protect the sensitive and delicate skin of the genital area; eat aloe vera and vitamin E.


It contains a series of special ingredients such as jojoba oil, chamomile extract and aloe vera. Queste essenze aiutano a rilassare e ammorbidire y muscoli anali. puttana della Zona Nord, reducing dyspnea or abdominal pain during anal penetration.


Forniscono a warm and stimulating sensation that raddoppia l'eccitazione del Short of the Federal Capital. This perché contains ingredients that generate heat in contact with the skin such as capsaicin, pepe strata or cannella.

Photo 2 Lubricants sessions – Tipi di lubrificanti and when to use it


In this case, the lubricants used by Freddi create a sensation of freshness and form thanks to the ingredients: menthol, mint or peppermint. Quindi sono very apprezzati anche per vare new sensations during the session.

To stimulate orgasms

Give the orgasms even more intensely, thanks to all the incorporation of ingredients such as L-arginine, niacin, damiana or ginkgo biloba extract, which have demonstrated the improvement in blood flow and the response to each session.


Prolong the duration of the session, reducing the sensitivity in the genital area of ​​the mask, ritardando così l'eiaculazione. It contains no ingredients such as benzocaine, lidocaine or mint, which may contain local anesthetics.


If there is no more lubrication used during the first sessions, we invite you to try it and experience a variety of tips. Find out what works best for you, experience it yourself puttana di Belgrano and goditi the sensation of these that only this ragazze can give you.

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