Vibrant Uovo – Un giocattolo per ravvivare i tuoi incontri Published on 16/08/2023 by Carlos

Vibrant Uovo – Un giocattolo per ravvivare i tuoi incontri

It is surrounded by a new and enthusiastic way to experience the sensuality. Argentine escort. Oggi apriamo le porte all'emozionante mondo delle oova vibranti!

Say next to everything that you have learned about your vibrating ovules: thing is, a thing is very useful and how to use it to ottenere or give the most attention to your clients.

Co'è a vibrant egg?

This is a fun sex gadget that can be used to provide powerful sex stimulation. It is specifically described as a small and discrete piece, made of plastic or silicone with a vibrating motor, which is ideal for use in public or in situations where privacy is limited.

All vibrating ovules are equipped with remote control, which allows the client to control the vibration and the rhythm of the sexual stimulation that will be effective to the partner. Short of the Federal Capital.

What do you use it for?

The vibrating object is so versatile that it can be used for stimulation both internally and externally. Godetevi give alone or insieme to your clients and aggiungete così varietà all'incontro sessions.

Altri usi che puoi dargli sono:

In vaginal stimulation (G-spot)

When inserted into the vagina it provokes an interesting internal stimulation. Some vibrating eggs are designed to collide the G-spot, which will increase the excitation and the flow of the part.

Photo 1 Vibrant Uovo – Un giocattolo per ravvivare i tuoi incontri

Per eccitare ulteriormente il clitoride

Do not place it directly on the clitoris or in the circumferential area. Compagno della Zona Nord, to provide an intense and peaceful vibration sensation.

Comes potentiator dell'erezione

When stimulated with the vibrating ovule, the penis and the vicine area (testicoli, perineum, anus) ottimizzano il flusso blood, ottenendo l'erezione; And, naturally, orgasms are very powerful. Qualcosa che le mani non possono raggiungere. Completely guaranteed!

To insert the first copy of the pieces

The vibrating remote controls are perfect for the client and the user. VIP Accompaniment of Puerto Madero. Poiché chi por el telecomando controlla la vibrazioni dell'uovo, experiencing rhythm and schemi diversi that increase il piacere sessuale.

How will I use the vibrating egg with my clients?

  1. Make sure the device is safe and do not use to avoid the risk of infection. Use water and neutral soap, avoiding electrical parts. Please apply a special detergent containing antiseptic to improve the polishing.
  2. Use a quantity of lubricant compatible with the vibrating material. Ciò rende l'experienza più comfortevole and piacevole.
  3. Scegli la posizione e il luogo da stimolare; Cioè, your client must insert the vibrating ovule into your vagina, ensuring that she places it in the correct position. If you don't know how to do it, check the product instructions in advance or check the online tutorial. This thing happens when I use it with Lui.
  4. Experience diverse livelli of intensità and models of vibration finché no trovi quello which you soddisfa di più.

Further suggestions for using it successfully

  • Select the dimensions and the appropriate shape that are also estimated based on your needs and quelle of your client.
  • Always apply water-based lubricant.
  • If you have not used it, just perform a test to verify its functionality.
  • In case of anal stimulation, use it only in the circus zone, because it does not have safe protection.
Photo 2 Vibrant Uovo – Un giocattolo per ravvivare i tuoi incontri


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